
What is Floating?

I have always been curious as to what floating was. I would walk pass a shop called the Float House and I was always curious as to what it was. So, I looked it up and their website stated, floating is a simple way to achieve profound relaxation, mediation and wellness. What happens is you enter in a float tank and 800lbs of dissolved Epsom salts are in the water. You then float in the water effortlessly and the water temperature is heated to the same temperature as the surface of your skin so when you remain still you won’t feel the water. So why float? Apparently floating can cause relaxation responses, heightened senses, pain management, increased immune function, enhanced healing, increased stress resistance, meditation, and many more.  In regards to the relaxation response, the company states that the tank suppresses the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system which when active produces or fight or flight response. And it then activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for relaxation, healing, replenishment etc.  Some symptoms of relaxation would be decreased muscle tension, decreased blood pressure, decreased stress hormones and increased endorphins (Float House). So feeling stressed? Give floating a try!

Written by Vivian Tse


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