
Dealing with a Bad Breakup

A bad breakup is typically very heartbreaking and it can lead to a lot of pain and sadness. So what are some ways to get over it?

  1. Define boundaries. Block or unfriend them on Facebook if you need to.
  2. Don’t immediately suggest to “stay friends”
  3. Call up some friends and spend time with them
  4. Spend time outdoors
  5. Allow yourself to cry
  6. Do not blame yourself
  7. Listen to upbeat music
  8. Watch movies
  9. Exercise
  10. Do things you like to keep your mind off that situation, maybe try new things and explore new hobbies

Remember to be clear about boundaries with the person if you want full closure, and it’s okay if that means you need to cut ties. Know that you deserve better and something better will come your way. Letting go is an important part of setting yourself free from that heartbreak and pain. It will take time but time will heal things.

Written by Vivian Tse

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