
Bipolar Disorder

What is bipolar disorder?

There are two different types of bipolar disorders, Bipolar I disorder, Bipolar II disorder, rapid-cycling bipolar disorder and mixed state bipolar disorder. In Bipolar I disorder the person experiences manic episodes and almost always experience depression at some stage. In Bipolar II, the person has a milder form of mania and depressive episodes. Bipolar II is harder to recognize in people who generally are more highly energized, and productive. In rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, there are at least 4 episodes per year in any combination of mania, depression or hypermania. In mixed state bipolar disorder symptoms involve both mania and depression occurring at the same time or alternating frequently. According to Karen M. Thompson, she has bipolar disorder and during the state of depression, she sleeps a lot, personal hygiene is gone and for days she will not shower nor change her clothes. She stops taking care of herself, and she can go days without eating. She stops communicating with the world, feels worthless and does not respond to any calls or texts. During her state of mania, she absolutely loves the world and most people in it, she feels superior to other people, she no longer needs to sleep, does not eat because that would take up her valuable time. Also, she talks faster, walks faster and spends a lot of money.

It is important to understand this disorder and get the help you need when you feel like you are slipping away and having a hard time. Family and friends of people with bipolar disorder should give them more attention and care, and if you feel like someone around you is not acting like themselves maybe talk to them and talk them through things and possibly help them seek help.


Written by Vivian Tse

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