
The New Year’s Curse

New Year, New Me. This is the classic, almost cliché saying that comes around this time every year. People see the new year as an opportunity to change themselves and be up-to-date with what everyone else is doing, when if being contemporary is really our goal, we should instead be improving ourselves. The majority of […]


Toxic Friends

Toxic friends are people in your life that bring you down. They’re exhausting to be around, they make you feel unhappy, and they create a negative energy. They can be manipulative, rude, obnoxious, and sometimes straight up mean. In particular, toxic friends drain your energy more often than they replenish it. These toxic friends are […]


Self Worth and the Critic

In my last article, I talked about the inner critic. I ended the article by mentioning that we can all conquer our critics. However, the way to achieve that is not necessarily easy. So for this article, I decided to break down a concept that is massively related to the self-critic: self worth. One of […]


Making and Maintaining Mindful Resolutions for the New Year

At the beginning of each year, numerous people around the world make resolutions as a way to start fresh and enter a new chapter in their lives.  However, how often do people follow through with their resolutions as the months go by? Timothy Pychyl, a psychology professor at Carleton University, states that, “People are not […]


Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone! Happy Holidays to all of our readers. In the spirit of taking care of mental health, we want to give our writers the opportunity to spend time with family, relax, and recuperate after a busy semester. As such, there may be a few days over the next few weeks where posting does not […]


Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace

  When beginning new job positions or starting a new job search, it can often be difficult to address mental health concerns in the workplace and we may encounter problematic situations. For example, often employers will ask if an individual can drive, regardless of if it is related to the job they are being hired […]


Changing Our Genetics

When going through times of great stress, I often see that the most natural response is not the healthiest one, but rather one of frustration. It is common to be mad or upset with oneself; “Why can’t I accomplish this? Why am I so lousy at that? What is wrong with me?” are all questions I […]


The Power of Positive Thinking

It’s now the second week of exams and stress levels are probably high–but how exactly does stress affect your health?  While I was taking a break from studying, I came across this video by TedEd, “How Stress Affects your body”. (link below) can be damaging to your body and even result in things such as […]


Caffeine: Memory Superhero

Congratulations, we’ve made it to the final stretch! Classes are done, and now studying must ensue. Caffeine will most likely be a solution to the majority of our late nights, but feel free to give in! We are aware of the majority of the effects caffeine has on our bodies, and there have been mixed […]



The acronym S.A.D. stands for Seasonal Affect Disorder, otherwise known as seasonal depression. This refers to a type of depression that is related to the changing of the seasons, meaning a person with S.A.D. has symptoms of depression beginning usually in the fall season and continuing through the winter months (although there are rare cases […]

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