National Postdoc Association Week

Students are back, and the new semester has begun… That’s right, it’s that time of the year again! National Postdoc Association Week is happening September 17-21!!

Many institutes are hosting events to show appreciation to the hardworking postdocs nation-wide, including UBC. We’re thrilled to inform you that there are quite a few events on Point Grey campus and VGH area. Here is a quick list of events that came to our attention. Let us know if you notice the event of your department is missing!

On September 17 – 21
Faculty of Education posts the special appreciation message to screens at Neville Scarfe Building, as well as on the Dean’s website.
Faculty of Forestry posts the special appreciation message to Atrium screens at Forest Science Centre.
On September 17:
Michael Smith Laboratories hosts Pizza Lunch at noon (@ MSL).
On September 19:
Department of Microbiology and Immunology hosts poster event and social dinner at 4:30 pm (@ LSC).
On September 20:
Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Office hosts BBQ Lunch at noon – 1:30 pm (@ St. John’s College) – RSVP here.
On September 21:
Department of Asian Studies hosts Meet The Postdocs event at 1:30 – 3 pm (@ Asian Centre Room 604).
Department of Botany hosts Pizza and Sushi Lumch at noon (@ Bioscience 1318)
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences hosts Lunch at Sage at noon (@ Sage)
UBC Postdoctorial Association (Yes, that’s us!!) hosts Korean BBQ and Karaoke DInner at 7:00 pm (@ Royal Seoul House) – RSVP here!
On September 25: 
Department of Zoology hosts Postdoc Lunch at noon – 1:00 pm (@ Bioscience 4223)
Department of Urological Sciences hosts Postdoc Coffee Break with Treats (@ Vancouver Prostate Centre)
Biomedical Research Centre hosts BBQ event (@ BRC)
Faculty of Forestry – details TBD!

Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars / l’Association Canadienne des Stagiaires Postdoctoraux also hosts a free webiner series. The topics range from health/dental insurance and EI/CPP, and career development resources.