July 1: Rita Segato

On July 1, we are very pleased to welcome Rita Segato.

As always, our guest will not be giving a talk: we are simply asking her to introduce a few themes, and what will follow will be a general conversation. As such, please bring questions and be prepared to contribute actively.

Segato has given us a couple more texts to read in preparation for Wednesday’s meeting:

You may also want to look at (and contribute to) posts on our website about Segato.

This discussion will be 4-5:30pm, followed by the “social part,” 5:30-6pm

All these times are Pacific, for Wednesday, July 1. On Zoom, of course. Because it’s 2020.

The next cycle will feature Argentine political theorist, Diego Sztulwark (invited and organized by Ana Vivaldi). More details to follow soon.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

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