Thanks to everyone who took part in last week’s discussion of Butler and Appelbaum. There were fewer participants than sometimes, but it was an engaging and productive discussion about representation, photography, and violence.
Recent blog posts include:
- Ricardo on Butler: “Criticism of photography should go beyond identifying the forcible frame, since knowing about this frame won’t stop us from eating from the trashcan of ideology everyday.”
- Jorge on Fogwill’s Los pichiciegos: “La postura de los pichiciegos de Fogwill frente al proyecto argentino tampoco es progresista, pero sí es radical: cavar un hueco en la tierra, desconsiderando que afuera existen los países, como insectos inmundos. ¿Es esa es la auténtica y pobre postura del criollo lationamericano?”
This week, we continue with the cycle of readings that will lead up to a visit from the Venezuelan photographer, Nelson Garrido. This cycle is organized by María Julieta Cordero. This is a series that deals with photography and the representation of violence, among other issues.
The following is this week’s reading, the one primary, the others secondary or optional:
- Inger Pedreáñez, “Las provocaciones de Nelson Garrido”. (Primary) . This article also has links to various YouTube videos.
- “Nelson Garrido: Su obra”. (Secondary)
- Nelson Garrido, “Editorial”. (Secondary)
We will meet on Wednesday, August 19, from 4pm Pacific.
All this will take place on Zoom, of course. Because it’s 2020.
As always, however, feel free to join us later in the evening (from around 5:30pm onwards), without any expectation of having done any of the reading, and drink in hand if you so wish, for a more social check in.
Also as always, please do feel free to invite others (whether they are in Vancouver or not) to join us. Virtual Koerner’s is fully in Phase Four of lockdown, and we are delighted to see our “bubble” continuing to expand. If anyone wants to be added to the list, they can be in touch with me.
And again, we very much welcome and invite suggestions of texts, speakers, discussion topics, and so on. We especially welcome a) texts written by VK participants (short texts can be posted to our blog), and b) suggestions for linked “cycles” of sessions that might, like María Julieta’s current cycle, include different kinds of texts on a common theme.
You will hear information about subsequent meetings very shortly.
We look forward to seeing you this week.