Fridge Thieves?

The kitchen on my floor is only fifteen feet from my room, but there are three doors between me and it—my room door, the fire door at my end of the hall, and then the kitchen door. A minor but persistent irritation for me is that, while I never lock my bedroom door while I’m in …

The Miracle of Weetabix

It’s a biscuit… …I add milk… …alchemy happens… …and now it’s cereal. Why do we not have this? (Possibly because it looks like a lab block?) Anna told me that normal people eat their Weetabix with honey and fruit, but the novelty hasn’t worn off for me yet and I prefer my alchemical substance in …

I Have Classes!

This is what my morning looked like: Climb six flights of Mayan Temple of Doom stairs to the international office in the Student Union. Be told that if I want to sign up for classes, I have to go directly to the departments. Descend six flights of Mayan Temple of Doom stairs. Walk a few …

Watch That Baby Spin

The secret turned out to be buying a laundry card instead of wrangling with the app. A good piece of plastic with a barcode is always more reliable than an app. (Except when it’s my school ID, which claims to open the back door of Aberdare and DOESN’T.  I digress.)

Classes Start Tomorrow And I Don’t Know My Schedule

For some reason, timetables are a top secret at Cardiff University. Class times aren’t listed in the course catalogue, they aren’t posted online, and while STEM students have an app which spontaneously generates their schedule as soon as they register for classes, humanities students do not. In fact, my Welsh professor didn’t know what time …

I Am Outsmarted By A Washing Machine

The laundry app that talks to the washing machines in Aberdare thoroughly deserves its 1-star rating in the app store. It let me create an account. It told me to scan the code on the nearest connected machine to establish my location. In the time it took for me to walk from my room to …

A Rollicking Saturday Night

There is no panic so pure as the panic of jolting out of deep writing flow to the sound of a fire alarm, unless it is the panic of jolting out of deep writing flow to the sound of a fire alarm in a building you still get lost in. After a brief internal struggle as …

In Which I Make A Friend (Yes, Really)

At breakfast, I ran into Anna (she who recited the entire War of the Roses to me over dinner two nights ago). She’s a history major from small-town Essex, and she volunteered to show me around downtown. We agreed to meet up as soon as we got our things together. After one false start that …

Nailed It

Outside the rugby stadium, there are mosaics representing English-speaking countries. Canada has, let’s see, a salmon, a baseball bat, a steamer ship, a moose, a mountie, possibly a representation of logging? New Zealand has a dolphin, a mountain goat, a palm tree, a lizard, a canoe, and some kind of fern. Scotland gets a salmon, …

The Peppy American On The Floor

The cabinets in the kitchen on my floor are papered with unfriendly notes to the effect of: “Do not use my stuff—it’s not yours.” So, contrarian that I am, I gathered up the five extra forks from the six-pack I got at Wilko and left them on the counter with a sign that says “Free …


I talked my way into the microfiction creative writing class that the faculty advisor wouldn’t let me sign up for yesterday because I didn’t have the prereqs. And when I say talked my way into, I mean blurted out my entire resume to the faculty advisor and begged her to talk to the chair of …

What Did I Just Eat?

It was mostly white and the texture of lumpy custard, with shiny semi-translucent shell-pink globs that vaguely resembled jellyfish sushi. They quivered like jello but crunched grittily like pear and tasted vaguely like sweet gelatin. I think it was dessert?