
Playlist goodness for all your paper-writing needs

By Katherine Leibel, Residence Advisor

Call me the stereotypical English major, but I consider essay writing an art form. The development of the thesis into flawless coherence, the cunning manipulation of syntax, and that satisfaction of finding the perfect word – I find it a fascinating academic experience.

But creating a paper masterpiece takes patience, and with word counts nearing the three and four thousands, it can get boring. So to get through those tedious hours pouring over books and staring into a laptop screen, I’ve compiled a playlist of my favourite songs to listen to while writing. Continue reading


Love your laptop?

Unfortunately in Gage, some residents have been victims of opportunity theft from the study rooms.  If you are leaving the room for any reason, always take your valuables with you.  In almost every case of theft, the victim left for “just a few minutes” and asked another resident to keep an eye on their laptop.


Love it? Don’t Leave it!


From the Nurse in Rez: Good Sex Guidelines

Whether you have already had sex or not, this is a topic for you.  If you haven’t had sex, how do you know when you will be ready?  You don’t need to have sex to be intimate with another person.   There is more to sex than just having it.  Are you emotionally ready?  Do you know how to prevent the spread of STI’s?  Condoms are great and dental dams are an excellent way to prevent STI’s when having oral sex.  And, did you know that a person cannot give consent to sexual contact when intoxicated? Continue reading


From the RLM: Asking for what you want…

Traveling home one time I was reminded of how difficult it can be to be assertive with a stranger.   How hard it can be to tell someone, with whom you have no relationship and little negative repercussions, to put the armrest down.
 It’s a personal thing on airplanes.  Some would prefer to travel with the armrest up and some would prefer to travel with the armrest down.  (I would liken this to those who like to sleep at night with the blind drawn or not).  This dude clearly wanted the armrest up.  I wanted the armrest down.  He was there first, hence my conundrum. Continue reading

From the Nurse in Rez: Self – Esteem

How do you feel about yourself, your accomplishments and your mistakes?  Did you know that poor self-esteem can negatively impact your physical and mental health?  Health Canada states people with high self-esteem are secure and confident because they view their abilities positively and thus have a tendency to take care of themselves.  While those with low self-esteem tend to do things that are not good for their health because they don’t feel worthwhile.  Do you ever wonder how people cope with a break-up or a bad grade?  Likely it is positive self-esteem.  Come by to visit a Nurse On Campus to learn more about self-esteem


Need to tinkle the ivories?

Until the final finishing touches are complete in the commonsblock.  Residents from the towers will be able to sign out a key from the front desk for the Gage Apartments Activity Room to practice piano (8am – 10pm Daily).



Pets in Rez?

Your 6th Roommate by Kacper Wardynski, Residence Advisor

There are many rules in the Residence Contract, and surely there are many ways to bend them, but if you keep reading I will let you in on how to break the most important rule:

3.21 Pets and Guide Animals

Residents are not permitted to keep pets or animals in the accommodation or on the  residence property, even temporarily.

There is one small exception to this rule, but please keep it a secret; you can have a pet in a container, as long as this is a kind of animal that will not survive outside the container.  The first thing that probably comes to mind is a fish. But fish are boring. They swim. They eat. That’s about it; unless your fish is a shark.  “Pet Sharks” as they are commonly known, are not real sharks, but fish in disguise.  They look like miniature sharks and can be purchased for roughly $10 at any pet store (not including the tank, but they’re freshwater fish so that won’t be too expensive).  Common species are Bala Sharks, Red Tailed Sharks and Black Sharks.

You might want to consider an Axolotl.  This aquatic critter looks like a mix of a newt and a Pokemon, and the albino breeds make good pets.  You just feed them some ground beef and salad, or to mix it up you can buy them mealworms or dried fruit. Care is fairly simple, feed and clean. Cleaning is fairly simple, pour out water and scrub the tank, but buying an automatic filtration system does most of that for you.

But if you’re the kind of person that’s too busy to invest time in the care of a pet but want to liven up your living room, get an aquatic snail.