Holiday Gift Guide
Are you stuck wondering what to get for all of your loved ones? Are you feeling pressed for time under the weight of finals prep? That’s ok! You are not alone! That is why Gage would like to give you a quick and easy “Holiday Gift Guide” to make your holiday shopping more efficient and less stressful.
First thing’s first, the key to efficient shopping is buying more than one gift at a time. So lets knock off your three best girl friends right away. Try finding a deal on fuzzy socks, they often come in packs that contain multiple pairs, which make the perfect gift for multiple friends. Put those, some chocolate kisses and a small candle in a bag and voila! You have an easy gift that says, “I want you to stay warm this winter.”
Second on the list is Dad. We all know that shopping for him is harder than diamonds; however, if he is anything like you he probably likes to read. Chapters has all sorts of deals on books this time of year and they even have sections dedicated to help you find the perfect book for a “special man in your life”. Wrap that nicely with a card and he’ll be sure to love it.
Last but not least, Mom. There are two different gift options for her; however, one thing remains the same. She loves sentimental. She might not be super open to admitting that she loves all the cutesy, mushy, lovey-dovey things you’ve ever done for her, but trust me, she has kept every single one of your childhood creations in a secret spot so that she can look back on them whenever she wants.
That being said, she also probably gets annoyed when the house is not in tip-top shape. The perfect gift for mom is can be one of two things. First, a homemade book of “I.O.U’s” that includes “I.O.U a laundry day” or “I.O.U a lunch date.” This will tell her that you’ve thought about her gift long and hard and that you also want to do small things around the house to make your family’s lives easier. The second option is still as grotesquely cute, but does not involve a lot of handcrafting. Go out and buy her one of the favourite childhood books you two read together and spray it with your perfume/cologne. Finish that off with a nice card and you’ll have her in (happy) tears.
Now that you’ve been given a few tips, Gage hopes that your holiday shopping experience goes much more smoothly!