Final Post – ToonDoos

I will agree with others in that I used blogs the most when creating projects, however, the one activity that really caused me to stretch my brain was digital storytelling.  Many others have spoken about TOONDOOs, which is a simple comic strip creating platform that can be used to express complex ideas in a comic strip form.  While I had initially not seen the value of such an exercise, the digital storytelling activity changed my mind. 

I did this activity in ETEC 565a and I had used a program called SlideRoll for my digital storytelling project, simply because I thought it was the best program to use at the time.  However, when I saw my classmates projects, I had seen them use TOONDOOs to do their digital storytelling and they had done excellent jobs!  The reason why I am choosing a platform like TOONDOOs above blogs or even SlideRoll for PBAs is because of its highly creative nature and the challenge of conveying a concept through such a platform. 

I believe its use for a digital storytelling project is crucial as it challenges our minds to really access higher level understanding and thinking.  In retrospect, I do wish that I had chosen to use TOONDOOs for my project as it would have really challenged me to stretch myself.  The mental block of not even thinking it would be a good platform prevented me from even considering it and I will admit that I do regret my decision.

So in conclusion, I believe that I would like to see more platforms like TOONDOOs for PBAs.  I think such platforms can be a great tool for PBAs, as they are highly open-ended, flexible and yet easy to use.  This nature of such platforms can allow the user to really be creative and express their ideas in a very innovative way.


Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments