


September 2024

Archive for the 'Technology and learning' Category

ISfTE 2019 Conference

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

I have been very fortunate to attend the ISfTE 2019 conference. This was a very special experience for me for at least three reasons. First of all, this was a new community for me. It is a truly international community of scholars and practitioners who work in teacher education. Hearing ideas from the colleagues from […]

UBC Celebrate Learning Week

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

My team and I are very excited to participate in the 11th Annual UBC Celebrate Learning Week. We are presenting a poster on the 3D Learning project we have been involved in. We have been working on the OmniGlobe project with the UBC Pacific Museum of Earth, on Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) […]

Cross-Canada forum: STEM in teacher education – A Canadian perspective

Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

On April 9, 2019 I was invited to participate in a very interesting panel organized by the OISE’s (Ontario Institute for the Studies in Education) Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) Centre and the Canadian Science Education Research Group (SERG). These two organizations co-hosted this cross-Canada forum titled: STEM in Teacher Education – A Canadian Perspective. […]

Logarithms, lunar eclipses, and learning

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Last week while preparing myself for writing a research paper, I was reading about the invention of logarithms by John Napier of Merchiston (1550-1617). The story of logarithms is a fascinating story connecting mathematics, science, and our everyday life. You can find a lot of information about it online, including many excellent videos, books, and […]

8th Family Mathematics and Science Day

Sunday, November 4th, 2018

  For more photos click here. On Saturday, November 3rd, 2018, we had an amazing 8th Family Math and Science Day. My Mathematics Education colleague Dr. Cynthia Nicol and founded the event in 2010 and it is going strong!Despite the weather, we had almost 400 guests, more than 130 volunteers and lots and lots of fun. This […]

Teaching with Technology Interview on Breakfast TV

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

Last week (the last week of August), I was asked to be interviewed on Vancouver Breakfast TV on the topic of technology use at university. It was a long interview, but they obviously had to cut it down to a few lines. Here it is:

Another Year of Teacher Education Program

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

A few days ago my husband and I happen to visit a very interesting place – an old school room at a museum in a small town of Salmon Arm in British Columbia –  R. J. Haney Heritage Village and Museum in Salmon Arm, BC  ( When walking around this classroom I tried to imagine how […]

Making STEM Outreach a Tradition at UBC

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

I  will always remember how hands-on science activities inspired me to engage with science at a deeper level. I didn’t want to become a scientist because I got a 100% on a test, but because I wanted to figure things out and I wanted to play with things. Hands-on science has always fascinated me. I […]

Getting ready for September!

Friday, August 4th, 2017

  As I am getting ready for September and for a new academic year, I keep thinking about why I like my work and why it is not a job, but a career (if not passion). This is going to be my 25th year of teaching (officially!), which makes me wonder how fast the time […]

Teachers and Teaching in the Era of Change

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

On February 5-7 2018, a group of Israeli and Canadian educators will meet at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to participate in an interactive workshop that will explore how technology may shape teaching and teacher education. We decided to call it “Teaching and Teaching in the Era of Change”. The workshop was funded by the […]

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