Courses Taught and/or Offered
Italian Studies
- In Search of Italianness through Novellas
- The Italian Noir
- The History of the Italian Language
- Mafia and Organized Crime in Italian contemporary Literature
- Italian Language and Culture (all Levels)
- Italian for Business
- Italian for Creative Writing
- Italian Creative Nonfiction in the 21st Century
- From Text to Screen: Italian literature in the Movies
- Italian Literature in the Global World
- Italian Techné: Arts and Crafts through the Ages
- The Made in Italy Factor
Comparative Literature/World Literature
- Transcultural Novels on the Global Scene
- Neonomadic Literature in the Age of Global Mobility
- Writers Writing Across Borders
- Transcultual Literature and the Publishing Market
- Global novels for Global Screens
- Empire and World Literature
- Transculture, the Arab World and the Maghreb Literary Tradition
Translation Studies
- Self-Translation and Creative Writing
- Translation: Theory and Practice