December Café
Posted by: Cafe Scientifique Vancouver | December 7, 2010 | Leave a Comment
Dear Café Scientifiquers,
Our next café will happen next Tuesday Dec 14th at 7:30pm @ The Railway Club (579 Dunsmuir St). The speaker for that evening will be Dr. Kendall Ho (MD FRCPC, Associate Professor in Department of Emergency Medicine, and Director of eHealth Strategy Office) and his talk will be:
eHealth: what is it, and why is it important to all of us?
Modern information technologies – computers, smart phones, portable computing devices – are all around us in our everyday lives. It is therefore not surprising that these technologies are also being applied in our health system and actively used in multifaceted ways by many people – an area commonly referred to as eHealth. Examples include looking for health information on line, checking out test results, and seeking health professionals’ advice. This dialogue will highlight some of the best sites available for individuals and patients to access for wellness, and illness prevention and optimal management. Trends in eHealth will also be highlighted, followed by a discussion together as to the opportunities and challenges in its implementation and integration into our health system.
For more info on Kendall’s work, check out this recent article on UBC Reports:
Yet another use for the iPhone – treating patients
We hope to see you next Tuesday!
– Your Café Scientifique Organizers