Dear Café Scientifiquers,

Our next session will happen on Tuesday May 31, 7:30pm @ The Railway Club. We will be presenting AJung Moon, a mechanical engineering researcher at UBC. Her talk will be:

Roboethics – A discussion on how robots are impacting our society


From vacuuming houses to befriending older persons at care facilities, robots are starting to provide convenient and efficient solutions at homes, hospitals, and schools. For decades, numerous works in science fiction have imaginatively warned us that robots can bring catastrophic ethical, legal, and social issues into our society. But is today’s robotics technology advanced enough to the point that we should take these fictional speculations seriously? Roboticists, philosophers, and policymakers agree that we won’t see Terminator or Transformers type robots any time soon, but they also agree that the technology is bringing forth ethical issues needing serious discussions today. In this talk, we will highlight some of the ways robots are already impacting our society, and how the study of human-robot interaction can help put ethics into its design.

More more info on AJung, check out her website ( and blog (!

We hope to see you there!

– Your Café Scientifique Vancouver Organizers


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