dear relaxing:

for those of you who have a hard time unwinding, this is for you.

I finished my summer class two weeks ago. After that, I had a few fun days. I took some time off from both of my jobs (really, I just put all my work on the same days and went from 9am-11pm 3 days in a row haha).

After the three days off, filled with “chill time”, I needed a vacation.

I spent the entire time with people that I love, surrounded by fun times, by my home-made mojitos and margaritas (delish. I’ll give you the recipe any day), by sunshine, by Arrested Development (finally finished it. heck yes i did), by steak, by blankets, by sand, by bumpin music, by laughing, by joy, by adventure, by mistakes, by yoga, by smoothies.

But, not once was I surrounded by silence, by me-time, by alone, by recovery. I spent the whole time livin it up. but isn’t that what your 20s is for? right? thats what I hear… but thats not what i need.

I work in an amazing space with amazing people at UBC. I work as a bartender with some cool people and some awesome guests. I love what I do. Both jobs surround me. Both jobs have me interacting with people. If you’ve met me, you’ll understand that I need this. But I also need some alone time – some time to recoup so that I won’t burn out.

But man, is that time ever hard to take.

People wanna do some fun things with you, like a 20s themed party and outdoor movies. And you wanna do all of the things. all of the things! but then there’s that voice that you know all too well in the back of your head that says “but really, is that what you want? is that what you need?” and you say “HECK YES IT IS!” so you do it. you go and you have oh-so much fun. but the next day, you realize just how much you would have benefited from some alone time. for example, I spent yesterday in interactions, from 9am-1am. When I came into work today, one of my fav people, Ms. Erica Baker, looks at me and says “are you ohk?” She knows that I’m feeling it today – I’m feeling tired and a bit depleted. I dont know it, though. What I mean is, i know it, but i dont know it. i deny it. “No, I’m great!” but my eyes don’t say that. My eyes say, woah man. lets just have a bit of a nap.

so from my heart to yours, take a nap. take some time to read that book you’ve always wanted to, not cuz its a classic and everyone talks about it, but because it’s hilarious, moving or what you wanna read (my fav is this book). take some time to rewatch your favourite show or to watch a new one. take some time to go for a walk with your thoughts.

Best part: when that’s done, and you’re feeling ready to take on the world again, you look a joyous as Amy, and you feel like it too!

Day off, here I come.

4 responses to “dear relaxing:

  1. Josella Tan

    I literally SCREAMED when that link led me to Angus, Thongs!! That series was my teenage (note: I’m still a teen) obsession.

    Great blog, Caitlin! I’m loving your posts!

  2. cfunk

    Thanks Josella 🙂

    I’m 24, and still love to read that series. I own all of the books, and re read them constantly. They’re great for getting me into summer-mode, and when I’m feeling a bit down. Oh authors and how they make me giggle and scream! <3

  3. SF

    There are so many amazing about this post it is incredible.
    First of all, all of the things is so accurate! Perhaps this isn’t just because we are in our 20s but also because there is always so much happening around us, both on campus and off.
    I think university life is tough because it makes you choose between all the things you want to be doing; you just can’t do them all (unfortunately). It is daring you to take on new challenges before you have even learned lessons from the challenges you just overcame.
    I am the first person to take your advice about watching tv, and lots of it, during downtime. And I’m ok with that, because I know there are some people that are there in case I decide that I want to go out and have fun like Christina and Meredith (when she isn’t all dark and twisty).
    Finally, I think we should all aspire to be more like Amy.

  4. SF: you are so wise. How are you so wonderful and yet so young?

    love you long time <3

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