Archive for November 8th, 2006

An Amazing Opportunity for New Librarians

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

This opportunity could be yours if you aim high and wish to emulate those who inspired you.The one skill specifically requested from the candidates is the Communication Skills. I firmly believe that it is the essential life skill no matter what you do in life. Check this out:

Paradigm Shift: Rich US Parents Seek Chinese Nannies to Teach Kids Mandarin

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

‘Chinglish’ website targets Asians lost in mistranslation by Clifford Coonan in Beijing CHINA: Rich parents in the United States are desperately seeking Chinese nannies to tutor their charges in Mandarin, the language of the future for westerners keen to make inroads in China. Meanwhile, in China, 300 million people are learning English, the language of […]

Attention please: new job opening again

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

Digital Repositories Librarian, at Colorado State University Libraries. Colorado State University Libraries Digital Repositories Librarian: Responsibilities: This new position assists in the development, management and promotion of campus and cooperative digital repositories and services. Initial focus will include design and creation of a robust and innovative digital repository for the University, building on prior initiatives. […]

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