Archive for September, 2008

Zhang Hong's Painting on Ximen Bao

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

It was stated in a couple of sources that the Ming painter, Zhang Hong, painted the 西门豹破河伯图, but they were not clear. 张宏是吴派山水画家,但他的人物画不太被重视。It would have been digitized and available online if it’s somewhere in Taiwan. I assume it’s hidden some where in a museum in Beijing or Shanghai. Will have to go through their catalogues […]

New Jobs

Friday, September 12th, 2008

I am really happy for Qi and Lili who graduated last May. They both brought their strong technical skills to major Canadian companies. Several people mentioned about their new jobs to me when we first met this term. So it definately deserves a post. Lei is another one. He has been working for an American […]

Olympic Opening Ceremony and Book History

Monday, September 1st, 2008

Cheng Huanwen said in his Blog: 北京奥运会开幕式不过是上了一堂空前绝后的中国图书史教学课!Darn! Missed that part. Hope to get a DVD soon, for myself and UBC students.

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