Archive for October, 2009


Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Kept receiving photos from the colleagues I met in Beijing and feel like a celebraty. When we finished the last meeting session, and before we went back to the hotel room, NLC staff handed us CDs full of conference ppts and photos. Their efficiency suprised us all. Now back to work, I received Mr. Yin […]

Humorous Speech Contests

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Lingbo asked me to post this here, and hope we can attend together. Date & Time: Friday, October 23rd, 2009 — 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm Location: The Paetzold Health Education Centre Auditorium Jimmy Pattison Pavilion South Bldg Main entrance – 899 West 12th Avenue – (proceed past the Info Kiosk > past the elevators […]


Monday, October 5th, 2009

9月8日的晚宴, 见到了很多老朋友:李馆开心大叫一声,让我感觉很亲切。纽约的老同事张鸿运先生加入CALA团队,即将赴西北培训中国馆员。在北京重逢真是意外。 当年瘦小的Jimmy已经是MIT的学生啦。前辈和大哥们引见一些国图的同行们,但是茅台和家常让我不便提起工作的事情。


Monday, October 5th, 2009

回来UBC已经是开学后的第三周了,忙得一塌糊涂,没有时间整理和报告我的北京之行。今天又有同事怪罪,甚至要求我的博克应该适当加上中文。 这次是应国图之邀,参加其海外中国学文献研究中心的挂牌仪式,百年庆典和研讨会,首次由国图安排北京的一切,包括友谊宾馆的住宿。国图让我有焕然一新的感觉,上上下下都精明强干,既有条理又有效率。 还是从我落地入关说起吧。由于晚点,我们入关时,整个机场略显空当,执勤人员也面带疲惫。检查我入关手续的年轻人非常英俊和礼貌,“晚点这莫久,辛苦啦”审视完护照和密密麻麻的签证戳,他又问:“经常回来吗?”“一年至少一次”“欢迎你更经常回来!” I registered for the Symposium first thing on Sept 8th, picked up the package and boarded the shuttle to the new building of NLC, where I learned a great deal from the presenters.

Meeting at the NLC

Monday, October 5th, 2009

The best part of the meeting is to hear what Chinese scholars are saying about overseas Chinese studies. Prof. Tang Yijie’s keynote speech was quite impressive. He criticized nationalism and self-centered Chinese studies. James Cheng introduced the top Chinese collections in North America and Guoqing presented all the research projects by Chinese studies librarians in […]

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