by Jing Liu ~ October 5th, 2009. Filed under: Experience, Libraries in China.回来UBC已经是开学后的第三周了,忙得一塌糊涂,没有时间整理和报告我的北京之行。今天又有同事怪罪,甚至要求我的博克应该适当加上中文。
I registered for the Symposium first thing on Sept 8th, picked up the package and boarded the shuttle to the new building of NLC, where I learned a great deal from the presenters.
October 19th, 2009 at 12:02 pm
I am touched by the friendly Customs reception. It reminded me of my second cousins – a tall, elegant, young and beautiful university grad – she works there. Her English is also perfect. However, I guess the perfect English is the least important requirement.