Meeting Mr. Eng
by Jing Liu ~ July 15th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.Mr. Peter Eng brought a group of scholars from Macau, who need to interview the founders of UM in town. I remember what Peter told me about how that university was built and the support he gathered worldwide in early 1980’s…Getting to know Peter is the best experience this summer. Our chat about Kissinger’s book (not available at UBCV, many holds on the public libraries’ copies) and Puban Collection inspired new ideas. 我视Peter如良师,他不仅融会中西文化,在加拿大成功创业和守业,热心教育和慈善,更为难得的是他的睿智和谦逊。尽管2011年的温哥华多阴霾和雨水,与这样的智者相会让我如沐春风。难怪7月6日那天格外温暖和晴朗。