
by Jing Liu ~ January 15th, 2012. Filed under: Experience, Life, Professional Development.

本来这里的冬天就不冷,而今年尤其如此。 阳光灿烂的日子很多。但是又有几位同行朋友离开。沁沁已经荣获西安大略大学的职位,朱磊乔迁硅谷,黄祺也将告别温哥华。假期忙着给他们送行,心中难免有些失落。但是,我们不都随着工作四海为家吗?收到他们的来信或者电话,语气中已经没有了最初的惆怅。 龙年将至,祝那些在温哥华相识相知的朋友们过得更好!


5 Responses to 温哥华的冬天

  1.   Lingbo

    How utterly beautiful. We are so fortunate to be living here.

  2.   Jing

    Yes. I just walked in the snow and under the blue sky. Another bright day!

  3.   Min

    Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures and the updates of the friends, Jing! Glad to know that Qi and Lei are moving to the south too. Qi & Lei — if you see the comments here, please feel free to let me know if I can be of any help with your relocation. My email still stays the same: mindytong at gmail dot com
    An early Happy Chinese New Year to you all!

  4.   Lei

    Many greetings from sunny California! Wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year!

  5.   Jian

    Wish Zhu Lei and Huang Qi all the best in Sunny California. Happy Year of Dragon, folks!

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