Not a Nation Loves to Read?

by Jing Liu ~ June 14th, 2012. Filed under: What others are saying.


3 Responses to Not a Nation Loves to Read?

  1.   Jing

    I sort of agree the difference does exit. Once reading becomes a hobby, people turn to read alot and read often. One question I received from Chinese audience was if the public library is doing that well in Richmond, how can the bookstores survive? Chapters and Chinese bookstores in Richmond have their loyal customers, still.

  2.   Yanli

    I’m impressed to see what an important role a public library is playing in Canada in terms of nurturing an environment for reading. In schools here, new books are available to the kids. They are encouraged to do homereading, write reading log and join the prize draw. Yesterday my son came home with excitement for he won a great prize- encyclopedia after having read 25 nights consecutively. In comparison, the kids in China can’t have access to good books from the library. The poor families can’t afford to buy them. I think the problem is not that the Chinese don’t like reading, but there isn’t a good environment in China, where people should have been encourged to read.

  3.   Lingbo

    I think that the public library in the west is more for the “general public” than for the rich elite. The rich can afford to buy books, DVDs, eReaders, they can afford to travel and see the world; the average public travel the world by reading. The rich or the moderately well-off people go to the movies; the poor watch DVDs borrowed from the public libraries.

    I guess the same is true for the public transit – it is mainly for the “general public”.

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