Effort in Generations
by Jing Liu ~ March 7th, 2013. Filed under: Experience, Libraries in China.Meeting with RBSC folks reminded me Director Li (昭淳), who wrote several emails recently about how to collaborate on revealing Puban Collection. When did we start chatting on this topic? I think that was in 2005 when he was here. His new paper has countless hits and comments on the web, including the report by Xinhua news. I am deeply moved, and learnt more on his father’s rescue of Nanzhou Library. One attempting Western institution I left out but mentioned by his paper was British Museum. They failed to purchase Nanzhou even with 2 million before the books were shipped to HK from Guangzhou.
难怪李馆气度不凡!以前若干次会面他都没提起易安馆长, 但往事并不如烟。 可以告慰易安馆长的不仅有新馆,还有我们跨洋合作的项目。无论以何种形式,隐居在温哥华的南州珍本就要回家啦。