Archive for the 'News & Announcement' Category

Berkeley's New East Asian Library Openning

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

UC Berkeley’s East Asian studies programs have been ranked No. 1 in the country by the U.S. Department of Education. The $46.4 million library will house one of the world’s largest collections of East Asian books, scrolls, woodprints, maps and other artifacts outside Asia. $6 million came from donors who gave in honor of former […]

Want to play with some "librarian games"?

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

Check out the two librarian web-based games developed by the students from the Carnegie Mellon University. The first is a LC shelving game — what a fun tool to train the student assistants to learn how to shelve correctly. The second is a Reference Librarian game — Patrons come into the library and ask you […]

The Hollywood Librarian

Sunday, September 16th, 2007

“The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians through Film” – the first documentary film focusing on the work and lives of librarians In case any of you is interested.

Microsoft Launches Windows Live Translator

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

I just tested it with Simplified Chinese and English. It worked pretty fast. The Beta version supports for 11 languages. You can input a text limited to 500 words or enter the URL of a Web page.

Annual Meeting on May 12

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

Thanks for all the replies posted on the blog and via email. The rent for the event room is $40. We’d better start at 6pm, since some will work and some will have class that day until 5pm. For those of you who don’t drive, I will pick you up from a Richmond bus stop. […]

One of the Top 10 Best Careers

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

I am on my way to Boston for the AAS/CEAL conference, and just ran into this: 世界日报报道,根据美国新闻与世界报导(US News & World Report)最新一期的「2007年就业指南」(Career Guide 2007),高压力的职业已经渐渐失宠,就业市场上正形成一股中间趋势:人们越来越青睐压力较少、但同样引人入胜的工作。这些工作的收入与劳动强度成正比。 已开始热门的十大行业包括:图书馆馆员(librarian):中间收入4万9708元。他们不再是「书虫」的呆板模样,而是摇身变成高科技信息领域的灵光人士。他们帮人遨游信息海洋,从中学到自己未掌握的知识;还经常大逛书店,采购热门畅销新书。新世代图书馆员绝对不甘寂寞,经常陪老人、小孩「玩」,从讲故事到演木偶戏,寓教于乐。在图书馆工作,时间固定,通常不需要无限制加班,工作环境也赏心悦目。一些机构内部的图书馆员还可享受朝九晚五的工作时间。 国会图书馆的毕灵顿(James Billington)表示,科技没有淘汰图书馆,人们将重新利用图书馆。

Baidu to Enter Japanese Search Market in 2007

Thursday, December 28th, 2006

According to independent surveys, Baidu currently commands more than 60% of the Internet search market in China(1) and is the fourth most trafficked website in the world(2). (1) The market share information is derived from CNNIC: 2006 China Search Engine Market Survey (2) The traffic information is derived from, based on a three- month […]

Microsoft's "Live Search Book" full text services

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

Microsoft just started its expanded services called “Live Search Books”. It says that there are more than 50,000 items that are out of copyright restrictions from University of California, University of Toronto, British Library and few others including Cornell University are made available. You can search and view full text pages with PDF format. The […]


Monday, December 18th, 2006

Lund, Sweden – As of today the Directory of Open Access Journals contains 2500 open access journals, i.e. quality controlled scientific and scholarly electronic journals that are freely available on the web.

Making the Business Case

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

Linda asked me to post this event. Looks useful for any kind of librarians.

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