Category Archives: Science Communicators

Looking deep within a cell, super resolution microscopy technique improved by researcher at UBC

What do you think is the smallest scale visible through a light microscope? Bacteria in micrometers? Guess again. The answer is thousands of times smaller. Last year, a Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy, which brought the imaging scale down to nanometers (billions of times smaller than a meter). Recently, Reza Tafteh, a PhD candidate from the University of British Columbia further improved on this technique. The specific version of super resolved microscopy Reza improved on is called single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), and it allows scientists to image deeper into a target cell with greater accuracy. An interview with Reza is available in this podcast: 


The computer system used to operate Reza’s microscope, photo credits: Ivan Lan, Reza Tafteh

As Reza explained in the podcast, SMLM achieves high resolution through image reconstruction. Imagine looking into a traditional microscope like looking down on the city of Vancouver at night from an airplane above. It is hard to tell the contour of the city with the limited lighting. Using fluorescence on the target sample is like turning on the building lights in the city, allowing us to observe things that aren’t normally visible under the moonlight. Now imagine that these lights are constantly on and extremely bright. If the location of the lights are too close together, many of them may seem blended with each other. This makes it harder to tell apart (or resolve) smaller structures such as narrow streets from one another; which in this case is like trying to resolve narrow structures within cells. SMLM reduces this effect by turning the lights on and off at different times for different parts of the city, which you can find more details in the podcast and the video.

However, the traditional SMLM technique isn’t perfect. Alongside major limitations in stability mentioned in the podcast, another major limitation is the distortion of an image caused by changing refractive indices through several different media, just like a pen appearing bent when inserted into a cup of water. Refractive indices varies from the cover-slip to the media (the substance the cell is placed in for imaging), and from the media to the cell.


Refractive Index difference causing image refraction. Source:Flicker Commons, Author: Mohammad Tajer

Reza Tafteh has improved on both of these limitations. His approach can produce stabilized images with reduced distortion when imaging deep into samples. Here is a video of him demonstrating his stabilization technique.
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Reza is now trying to push the limits of SMLM even further, he sets his eyes on improving the technique’s inability to image live cells, while continuing to increase the resolution and clarity of microscopy images. It is exciting to think that specific cellular structures such as heart cell calcium receptors can be observed in unprecedented detail. It is not hard to imagine the many biological fields that can benefit from this microscopy technique. Reza’s improvement on SMLM  can potentially lead to better understanding of molecular biology, which may one day lead to new treatments for diseases such as central core disease.

Music and sound material used in podcast:

A sincere thank you to Reza Tafteh for participating in this project.

By: Group 3, Brian Cheng, Esther Lo, Ivan Lan, Sainan (Stephanie) Liu

Brains and games in 21st century – How do video games affect us?

There is a lot of debate regarding how video games influence our brains development and whether or not games are beneficial or damaging. Scientists have examined both sides and the question that needs to be answered is whether games are beneficial or they are transforming us into machines.

digital mindcredits:

Some studies show that prolonged exposure to video games has negative effect both on the body and the brain. Games decreases attention span, increase the risk of obesity and violent games decrease sensitivity towards aggression. The implications are troubling since decreased attention implies lower academic performance and obesity is a health risk factor. Furthermore it is shown that decreased sensitivity towards aggression not only makes us consider aggressive behavior acceptable but it also increases the chance that we will become aggressive.

aggressive gamers

credit to: academics-debunk-theory-linking-violent-video-games-with-aggression/1379/

Another fact that must be considered is repetitive tasks in games. Because there are lots of games that become repetitive and have reward systems that encourage that behavior gamers are exposed to lose of creativity. Since repetitive tasks are better suited for a computer we could ask ourselves if our mind is encourage to become a basic processing unit.

However, there is another side of games which was investigated by researchers and the findings encourage people to become casual gamers. The benefits from games are as follow: better cooperation skills, adaptation to new challenges, fast reaction time and better attention to details.



Besides the standard types of games we should also consider games that involve movement (e.g. some Nintendo Wii games) which are shown to motivate exercise. Those type of games should become encouraged in populations with increased risk of obesity, where the reward system should be tailor for the customers.

The tricky part of the games is the reward system which acts as a drug since it releases dopamine which is the hormone for excitement. Using this we can develop games that can stimulate people to learn and train. A study done on surgeons  showed it is possible to increase job performance via gaming. Here is a TED talk about games and how we can use them to construct a better world.

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Based on what we seen so far casual consumption of non-violent games have beneficial effects, however one must take extra care since crossing the line and becoming an addict can severely impact us.

Radu Nesiu


The iconic double helix of DNA that James Watson and Francis Crick first published in 1953 was not the end of DNA structure as new Study revealed.The double helix of DNA was just a tiny fraction of a real genome.It consists of 12 DNA base-pairs that later formed building blocks of DNA known as helical ladder.

DNA structure is made up of almost 3 millions base-pairs that must fit into nucleus of a cell which is just 10 micrometers across, thus DNA must really have to coil to fit into nucleus.

To get the bigger picture according to the new research,the researchers recreated DNA molecules in the lab. The researchers forced DNA strands to coil and recoil it at the same for several turns using short circular snippets of DNA that is made up of many base-pairs.
The researchers the discovered a panoply of a breathtaking new shape of DNA.YouTube Preview Image
Supercomputer simulations show how the dynamic motion of the supercoiled DNA causes its shape to change constantly to form a myriad of structures.

Most of which have different shape of DNA like handcuffs or sewing needles.Others through their coiling shape look like rods.
Supercoiled DNA strands

Photo credit: LIVESCIENCE/Thana Sutthibutpong

To make this ‘supercoiled’ DNA strands visible in the human body,researchers inserted an enzyme called human topoisomerase II alpha into the body to show how this ‘supercoiled’ DNA look like in the body.
The enzyme relaxed DNA twisted DNA in human body.This new discovery of ‘SUpercoiled’ DNA was reported today (oct 12) in the Journal Nature Communications posted by livescience that the structural shape of DNA created in the lab resembled the strands of DNA found in the cell nucleus.

The DNA samples were then froze and used a special form of microscopy to capture the first-ever images.
According to James Watson and Francis Crick, DNA helix is formed when complementary base-pairs like adenine and guanine are bound together which is now being contradicted by the new simulation of DNA in the new study that these base-pairs peel apart when the helix is unraveled.

The new discovered has shown us the complexity of the structure of DNA.It is now beyond double helix and it is so interesting to see how ‘supercoiled’ is DNA.

