Category Archives: Science in the News

Newly discovered hormone can possibly change the future of weight loss?

Obesity is a leading health problem in Canada and many other countries throughout the world, with it becoming one of the leading causes of death worldwide. However, what if someone who is clinically obese can decrease their body fat simply by taking a pill? Modern prescription drugs for weight loss do exist; however, they aren’t very effective and can have messy side effects! 

Obesity, Author: Tony Alter, Source: Flickr Commons

Well, recent scientific discoveries may have found the perfect candidate to serve as a replacement for the current prescription drugs available for treating clinical obesity. Irisin, a hormone produced by skeletal muscle cells during exercise is capable of burning fat tissue reserves when introduced into circulation. Irisin achieves this by converting white fat cells, which are the fat cells used to store fat in the human body, into brown fat cells, which are fat cells responsible for burning fat to produce heat. 

An article published in Nature showed that increased irisin levels in humans and mice causes more brown fat cell development, which lead to an increase in energy usage in the form of burning existing fat tissues. This increase in energy consumption occurred in a controlled environment, without any changes in the mice’s amount of physical movement or food intake, which can lead to induced weight loss in obese individuals (Bostrom et al.). 

Tension quickly rose due to researchers speculating if irisin actually exists in the human body, with studies criticizing the methodologies that Bostrom et al. used to detect irisin within humans. However, a recent article published in Cell Metabolism  by Bruce Spiegelman showed definitive proof that irisin does exist in the human body. Instead of using more traditional methodologies commonly used to detect hormones in the human body; Bruce Spiegelman and his colleagues used  a new method involving mass spectrometry to accurately detect and quantify the amount of irisin in participating human subjects (Spiegelman et al.).

Isn’t that great then? Shouldn’t pharmaceutical companies quickly adapt the hormone irisin and start producing a weight loss pill? However, I think the issue of time restricts any advancements in the pharmaceutical industry in actually producing such a pill. Since irisin has only been discovered in mice recently, and confirmation of irisin in humans was only published in August 2015. 

Diet Pills

Diet Pills, Author: joaneQEscobe, Source: Flicker Commons

As well, I would like to bring up a similar weight loss drug that was invented in 1933 that also showed the same promise as irisin. DNP, or 1,3 dinitrophenol was shown to increase metabolism rates by converting chemical energy into heat. Though the mechanisms that they occur aren’t identical, the end result of increased body metabolism and body temperature is observed for both DNP and irisin. DNP quickly became a wonder drug that took North America by storm; even now, DNP can be purchased online as a diet pill. However, tragic deaths have been associated with usage of DNP as a weight loss treatment, with terrible consequences of DNP overdosing including fatal hyperthermia (extreme body heat).

I feel that with something as promising as irisin being capable of helping obese individuals loose weight, the pharmaceuticals, FDA, and researchers have to take responsibility and caution in the future. Making sure that if irisin does become a prescription drug to treat morbid obesity, the tragedies associated with DNP will not occur again in the 21st century. 

Here’s a video on Scishow explaining current weight loss pills :

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By: Yu Chieh (Brian) Cheng

Jelly-like Features of Disease-causing Proteins

I remember when I was a kid (or even now), one of my all time favourite snack is strawberry flavoured Jell-O (or jelly). Not to mention, making it was so easy and so much fun, as the strawberry aroma would fill the kitchen.

C. elegans worm used in the study. Source: Wiki Commons

C. elegans worm used in the study. Source: Wiki Commons

Scientists at the University of Cambridge, led by Peter St George-Hyslop used nematode worm C. elegans as a model for amyloid lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia to study the physical properties of FUS, an essential RNA-binding protein in the body. The behaviour and physical properties of FUS can be closely compared to that of jelly. All RNA-binding proteins have two common domains: one for binding RNA and the other where the protein appears to be unfolded. It is at this unfolded region that the FUS undergo a process of reversible ‘phase transition’, which closely resembles the formation of jelly.

Comparison of ALS-affected and normal nerve cell. Source: Sarah Scoles

Comparison of ALS-affected and normal nerve cell. Source: Sarah Scoles

One common characteristic of all neurodegenerative disease is the irreversible accumulation of misfolded or mutated proteins aggregates in the brain, which as a result causes damage to the brain and disrupts communication between brain cells.  FUS is one of many types of RNA-binding proteins that is essential to the brain. It is essential in the regulation of protein synthesis, with functions in the nucleus and cytoplasm of a cell. However, the accumulation of mutated FUS and other associated proteins is also the underlying cause of the neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS and frontotemporal  dementia. Until recently, the significance and how FUS proteins affects the development of these neurodegenerative disease has been unclear.

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[Video courtesy of C.D. Net]

FUS starts out as soluble monomers (like the initial powered-form of jelly), and forms distinct localized accumulations. As it further condenses, a thick gel-like hydrogel structure is formed (like the formation of jelly after it cools in the fridge). This process can be reversible (like warming and cooling jelly repeatedly). Furthermore, during these transitions, RNA and proteins are continuously released from protein assemblies (like suspended fruits in the jelly as it is re-warmed and re-cooled).

The above processes are beneficial because it allows the cells to accumulate cellular machinery in a confined three-dimensional space (with no cell membrane required)  when needed to perform key tasks, but also disassemble when not needed. In addition, it is also faster and less-energy costly compared to the formation of a membrane-bound vesicle.

Although FUS is able to carry out vital cell processes by interchanging between different states, “this essential property also makes them vulnerable to forming more fixed structures if mutated, disrupting their normal function and causing disease” says Professor St George Hyslop. Mutation of FUS causes it to over-condense and become a thick fibrous gel, irreversibly trapping the essential RNA and proteins required for protein synthesis. It is the accumulation of misshaped FUS and other RNA-binding proteins that causes serious neurodegenerative diseases. However, further research and understanding of what are in these assemblies can bring us one step closer to curing ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.



On Wasps and Matricide

First, think of a wasp colony as a monarchy, where workers diligently provide for their queen.  Assume the queen is unsatisfactory, what would happen? A violent revolution perhaps?  This article on a study done by Kevin J. Loope explains how wasps are fully capable of committing matricide under the right conditions.

Matricide is not particularly uncommon in the insect world.  Many species such as crab spiders take part in matriphagy, or mother eating.  Wasps, on the other hand, depend on the queen to forage for food to feed their larvae.  Normally, fully grown workers are the ones that turn on their mother.

Source: Marjan Smeijsters on Flickr Commons

New wasp nests are formed in the spring after fertilized queens have finished hibernating.  Solitary queens construct the nest, lay eggs, and care for her larvae.  Only after the larvae have matured into workers, all of which are female, do the queen focus on reproduction and leave the other duties to her offspring.

An average wasp queen lays around 100 eggs each day.  Some workers are capable of laying eggs, but only for drones, or male wasps, and are discouraged by the queen through attacks or egg eating.   While in most cases wasps let their mother be responsible for passing on their genetic data, workers may get rid of the queen if being able to produce their own offspring outweighs the loss of new siblings.


The queen’s mating practices are an important factor.  Queens normally only mate once or twice, but that does not imply an even distribution of full siblings.  In single-father colonies or colonies skewed to have many full siblings, workers are more closely related to their nephews than their brothers.  Loope noticed that because workers are willing to take care of closely related nephews, females will kill the queen to have the colony raise their young instead.  Wasps are believed to be capable of identifying its relatives.

Past research also reference low queen productivity or queens producing only males as reasons for matricide.  From this we can hypothesize that while wasps may work for the greater good on the colony, the queen is not necessarily vital to the continued welfare of the collective.  It puts a new light on what some would believe to be mindless workers.

Here is a basic video on the various stages of a yellow jacket wasp’s life:

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credit to ScienceOnline on Youtube

blog by Ivan Lan




Solar Powered Sea Slug: Power of Photosynthesis!

We have learned that photosynthesis is an inherent characteristic of plants reserved for their survival by collection of sunlight as a means to their survival, but what would you say when there is an animal living on photosynthesis? Prepare to get your socks knocked off by what is about to come because this is an introduction to the sea slug literally living off the solar power.

Sea-Slug, Elysia chlorotica From Pedro Jorge Peu (pinterest)

Sea-Slug, Elysia chlorotica
From Pedro Jorge Peu (pinterest)

Photosynthesis is a process that generates sugar by absorbing the sunlight. More specifically, chloroplasts which are the food producers of the cell converts light energy of the sun into sugars that can be used by cells. It is a process thought to be reserved for the Kingdom of Plantae, eukaryotic, and multicellular organisms. Imagine a solar panel powering electricity to charge our cell phones; plants absorb their energy in a similar way too.


Photosynthesis From Flickr Commons

Kingdom of Animalia on the other hand, derives from the Latin word Animalis literally meaning “having breath”, they are eukaryotic, multicellular, and do not survive relying on photosynthesis. However, in 2010, CBC news reported that in the case of the brilliant emerald green coloured sea slug Elysia chlorotica, it is not the case.

The photosynthesizing sea slug lives by the incorporation of chloroplasts within the cells which allows it to capture energy directly from sunlight as most plants do, through the process of photosynthesis. What was thought to be exclusive to plants is not the case due to the discovery of organisms such as E. Chlorotica. Generally speaking, it will have algae for its food supply, but if they are not readily available, these slugs will survive and function for up to nine or even ten months by the sugars produced through photosynthesis performed by their own chloroplasts.

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[Credit to]

In a study, it was found and proven that these slugs definitely have a way to support the survival of their chloroplasts. After the eight month period of its survival without readily available food source, “the majority of the chloroplasts within the slugs appeared to have remained intact and also maintaining their fine structure.” They do this by not spending their precious energy on activities involving finding food but staying intact synthesizing their own chloroplasts; ability acquired from yellow-green alga (Vaucheria Litorea). The studies are on-going for this slug as scientists are researching for its potential genes that could support chloroplast survival and photosynthesis.

Even after all this, they are still not truly photosynthetic organisms. Last year, Gregor Christa and his researchers reported that as E. Chlorotica can survive in dark environment which is why they still belong to the Kingdom Animalia. Animal or plant, it may be up to how the reader may decide. I decide on classifying this beauty as an animal true to its purpose; survival.

Grace Kim

Is that a new tortoise or an existing tortoise?

According to scientists, there are millions of organisms that have yet to be discovered. While many newly discovered organisms are insects, other organisms such as mammals, reptiles and birds are more rarely discovered. But, where do these undiscovered organisms live? Most of these unknown organisms may live at the bottom of ocean trenches or in remote parts of the world that have not been explored yet; however, can undiscovered organisms live among existing organisms that scientists have simply overlooked? Well simply, yes.

Map of Galapagos Island Source: Storpilot (Wikimedia Common)

Map of Galapagos Island
Source: Storpilot (Wikimedia Common)

The Galapagos Islands are a collection of islands that is home to many species of birds, land animals and sea creatures, most notably the finches that Charles Darwin observed. Additionally, the Santa Cruz Island, part of the Galapagos Islands, is home to two tortoise populations that live on the east (Cerro Fatal) and west (Reserva) ends of the island. For many years, scientists believed that the two populations were from the same tortoise species, but recent studies show that they are two distinct tortoise species. This is exciting because as previously stated, new species of organisms, other than insects, are rare; but when new species are discovered, a lot of new information can be gained from studying the unknown organism.

Tortoise Source: Chad Sparkes (Flickr Commons)

Source: Chad Sparkes (Flickr Commons)

Now, what are tortoises and how are they different from turtles? The definition for what constitutes a tortoise from a turtle differs depending on the country. Turtles and tortoises are a part of the Testudines order. In America, turtles are members of the order Testudines that live in freshwater and marine environments primarily. On the other hand, tortoises, by definition, live exclusively on land. Some morphological differences are that turtles have a streamlined shell and webbed feet to navigate marine environments, while tortoises have an arched shell and clubbed feet to help them survive on land.

Turtle Source: Michael Menefee (Flickr Commons)

Source: Michael Menefee (Flickr Commons)

In their study, Nikos Poulakakis, Danielle L. Edwards and their team tested and compared the genes of the two tortoise populations located on the Eastern and Western parts of Santa Cruz Island that are believed to be one species, Chelonoidis porteri. To their surprise, the analysis revealed the two populations to be distinct from one another, thus creating a new species of tortoise for the Cerro Fatal tortoises, C. donfaustoi. Although many of the differences between the two species of tortoises are contained in DNA, the Reserva tortoises are on average, larger in body size, shell size and head opening than the Cerro Fatal tortoise.

As a result, new organisms can be found in many different places. Even organisms that were once believed to be a member of an existing species can become a new species as our technology and knowledge of different species increases. Who knows what new organism people will discover next?

Adrian Li

The Promising Near Future of Blood Transfusions


Rendering of red blood cells. Source: Flickr Creative Commons – Nocturnal lust

Have you ever donated blood? Canadian Blood Services is always looking for more blood, because they need lots of it. For example, here’s a table of the required donations per single procedure.

Required amount of blood donors per case. Source: Canadian Blood Services – Who does my donation help?

As you can see, a single car crash can require blood from up to 50 donors. Such events can cause a shortage of blood. In fact, just last year, Canadian Blood Services issued an appeal for more blood donations, as blood supplies hit an all-time low, especially for type O universal donors.

What are universal donors? Donors of blood type O can donate to every other blood type, because they have no antigens (molecules that can cause severe and harmful responses by immune system on the recipient of the transfusion). The video below explains the concept of blood types and why some people can flexibly donate to all others blood types. Credit for this video goes to user nafis A on Youtube.

The problem with blood donations is that we can’t simply take many donations and stop worrying about blood reserves. This is because, just like milk, blood is perishable. Blood Centers Organization states that red blood can only be stored for 42 days before going bad. This creates a need for a continuous supply of blood donations to account for any emergencies.

On the bright side, the future of blood supplies look promising due to a recent publication by a research group at the University of British Columbia (UBC) at the Centre for Blood Research. They discovered a method to genetically enhance an enzyme which removes the antigens from blood. To do this, they used a genetic manipulation method called directed evolution.

David Withers’ Research Group at the Centre for Blood Research. Source: UBC Centre for High-Throughput Biology

This process introduces step-wise mutations in the DNA that encodes the enzyme. They use a multi-pronged approach by introducing many random mutations to the gene, and select the best performing mutants and do this for multiple rounds. The researchers at UBC claim that after five rounds of directed evolution, the enzyme which removes antigens from red blood cells is 170 times faster than the original enzyme. The original enzyme, although functional, was never fast enough to be a feasible way of removing antigens from blood. This genetically enhanced enzyme, however, can be used practically in the medical setting.

This discovery could potentially eliminate the shortage of antigen-specific blood by converting all donated blood to donor types! I think this has great potential for saving lives. From what I know about Biology, once the DNA of this hyper-enzyme has been sequenced, it can be easily generated from protein farms – where bacteria produce large quantities of the protein which can be purified and extracted for clinical use. I think it’s amazing to hear that my university is at the frontier of such impactful discoveries!

Blog by Justin Yoon

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Electronic cigarettes by Brian Cheng

Bioethics dilemma by Paul Yi

Imposter syndrome by Luxi Xu