Tag Archives: space exploration

NASA Confirms Flowing Water On Mars: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Red Planet

The fourth celestial body from the Sun and one of Earth’s closest neighbors has just got a little brighter in the public eye. Scientists at NASA have made a ground-breaking announcement regarding one of the oldest questions surrounding Mars. The discovery of extraterrestrial life? Sorry, no. But something just as exciting. In a press release on Monday, NASA confirmed that it has found evidence of water flowing on present-day Mars.

Author: NikoLang Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Description: Mars Dayside in Celestia with Addon
Author: NikoLang
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Data from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, or MRO, showed seasonal changes in the level of hydrated minerals on the surface of the Red Planet. Spectral imaging analysis of certain Martian slopes indicated a cycle of liquid water flowing downhill during warmer seasons. This flow would then recede in colder seasons, not unlike on our own planet. This pattern was found in several locations on the Martian surface which were once considered mysterious due to unexplained observable streaks. For a science geek like myself, it feels like the start of a brand new chapter in space education. And I’m sure publishers are salivating at the chance to revise hundreds of thousands of science textbooks.

Courtesy of NASA via YouTube

In addition, the discovery has major implications if whether Mars is able to currently support life and if humans will one day be able to utilize this precious resource. John Grunsfeld, astronaut and associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, described it as a meaningful step in mankind’s exploration of space.

“Our quest on Mars has been to ‘follow the water,’ in our search for life in the universe, and now we have convincing science that validates what we’ve long suspected.”

Furthermore, NASA’s latest revelation is an excellent example in how the agency is reaching out to the general public. NASA scientists opened a digital dialogue via Reddit.com, answering Mars-related questions from online users. In my opinion, this form of two-way communication allows NASA to send a much clearer message to the general public without news producers filtering it within the web of mass media. It also gives that message a more personal touch, which may be more interesting and inspiring to a younger generation that did not grow up watching the shuttle missions.


NASA Subreddit Logo
Courtesy of Reddit.com

YouTube and social media were also utilized to spread the news. Such efforts are important as NASA’s funding has reached record-low levels in recent years, in terms of proportion of spending of the U.S. federal budget. This drop in relative funding has now forced the world’s space program to solely rely on Russia to transport astronauts to the International Space Station. However, the decline of NASA’s influence may have a silver lining as private companies have cropped up to fill the void and perhaps one day step up to take the lead in this field. Virgin Galactic and SpaceX are just some of the more prominent firms that come to mind.


NASA Budget as a Percentage of U.S. Federal Budget
Author: 0x0077BE
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

The announcement also comes at an opportune time for the American space agency with the theatrical release of “The Martian”. The highly-anticipated film about a stranded astronaut is expected to boost public interest in a manned mission to the Red Planet.

Courtesy of 20th Century Fox via Twitter

The Martian (2015)
Courtesy of 20th Century Fox via Twitter

It’s a spectacular journey that NASA is already planning for. However, it still remains to be seen whether the cash-strapped agency can build upon this new momentum in order to transform its sci-fi dream into reality.

-Paul Yi