Author Archives: Trevor Shen

Peanut Allergies May Be a Thing of the Past

Currently, roughly 2% of Canadian children are allergic to peanuts. Symptoms of children who are allergic to peanuts can range from redness and irritation of the skin to swelling and shortness of breath, which in extreme cases can lead to life-threatening circumstances requiring immediate medical attention.

Carter Grodi is one of the many children allergic to peanuts who has had to bring his own cupcake to birthday parties, had to learn to read food labels and turned 15 without once tasting a Kit Kat or Twix.

Figure 1. A few of the many products containing peanuts. Used with permission, © 2018 The New York Times

However, at the age of 16, Carter was able to taste the wonders of Kit Kat’s and Twix’s without having an allergic reaction. Carter had recently completed a yearlong clinical trial of oral immunotherapy where he was gradually exposed to increasing amounts of peanuts in hopes of reducing his sensitivity to peanuts.

This new drug, named AR101, was created by Aimmune Therapeutics. The active ingredient in AR101 is surprisingly peanut flour. The peanut flour is carefully measured and packaged into capsules which can be opened so that the peanut flour can be added into foods and consumed. Dr. Vickery, lead scientist of the study, said, “This trial has generated the highest quality evidence to date about whether oral immunotherapy works and how safe it is.”

The treatment itself can cause allergic reactions among participants. However, participants who complete the clinical trial are better able to handle an accidental exposure to peanuts. “You exchange that uncertain, unpredictable risk of having an accidental reaction that spirals out of control for these . . . mostly mild or moderate symptoms, that are manageable for most patients,” Dr. Vickery said.

The goal of this treatment is not to cure the allergy but instead to lower the risk that an accidental exposure to peanuts will cause a life-threatening reaction. Thus, allowing children with peanut allergies and their families to live without fear and anxiety of an accidental encounter with peanuts which could potentially lead to harm, or in worse cases, death.

This treatment has been life changing for Carter, who continues to eat small amounts of peanuts to maintain his low-level tolerance. He said, “I can go sit in a place another kid was the day before and not have to wipe off the desk, and not worry about what my friends are eating around me.” He then mentioned, “To me, a peanut was like a weapon, like you have a gun to your head and you could have the trigger pulled any time. There’s not really that gun anymore.”

Figure 2. Carter Grodi at home in Florida with his mother, Carolee. Used with permission, © 2018 The New York Times

AR101 has been named a breakthrough therapy. Plans are in motion for this drug to undergo priority review and to go through a quickened approval process. “It could be on the market by the end of 2019,” a spokeswoman said.

Trevor Shen

A DNA Tool to Predict the Future

A common fear among parents is the risk of their children being diagnosed with serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Fortunately, a DNA tool created by Michigan State University has been shown to accurately predict people’s height and bone density. This tool could also potentially assess people’s risk for illnesses such as heart disease and cancer.

Figure1. A new tool, created by Michigan State University, capable of predicting height. Used with permission, © 2018 Science Daily.

The Potential:

This amazing tool uses an algorithm to predict human traits including height, bone density and even the level of education an individual might achieve, entirely based on one’s genome. Lead investigator of the study Stephen Hsu mentions, “This is only the beginning.” There are plans in motion to apply this tool to predict more relevant matters like heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer. These are major diseases that impact a large amount of people. Heart disease, for instance, is the second leading cause of death in Canada. About 1 in 12 Canadian adults live with diagnosed heart disease alone! Hence, this tool could greatly impact and advance healthcare. Doctors would be able to step in during the early stages of illnesses to prevent or delay them!

Creating and Testing:

Stephen Hsu and his team’s research used machine learning, where a computer learns from data, to analyze the entire genome of around 500 thousand adults in the United Kingdom. The genome’s obtained from the United Kingdom Biobank, an international resource for health information, were used to put the algorithm to work. The algorithm evaluated each individual’s DNA and taught the computer to identify unique differences. “The algorithm looks at the genetic makeup and height of each person, learns from each person, and ultimately produces a predictor that can determine how tall they are from their genome alone,” said Hsu.

The computer was able to accurately predict everyone’s height within about an inch. However, predictions for bone density and educational achievement were not as accurate. Nevertheless, they were accurate enough to identify outliers in the population who were at risk of having problems in school and low bone density, which is associated with osteoporosis.

Future Plans:

Hsu’s team plans to continue to improve the algorithm by obtaining larger, more diverse data sets for the computer to learn. This would increase the algorithm’s capability to understand and interpret the combination of genes responsible for risks against specific diseases.

With increasing technology, the bright future of healthcare is considerably closer than originally believed. “What was once thought to be 5 to 10 years out, is now a lot closer when it comes to this type of work,” Hsu mentioned.

Figure 2. Collecting DNA using mouth swabs. Used with permission, © 2015 InfoLaw.

It is quite possible in the near future that a simple swab of the cheek could save families millions of dollars in treatment costs and more importantly, the lives of their children through early interventions of genetically based diseases.

Trevor Shen