Tag Archives: Drugs

Peanut Allergies May Be a Thing of the Past

Currently, roughly 2% of Canadian children are allergic to peanuts. Symptoms of children who are allergic to peanuts can range from redness and irritation of the skin to swelling and shortness of breath, which in extreme cases can lead to life-threatening circumstances requiring immediate medical attention.

Carter Grodi is one of the many children allergic to peanuts who has had to bring his own cupcake to birthday parties, had to learn to read food labels and turned 15 without once tasting a Kit Kat or Twix.

Figure 1. A few of the many products containing peanuts. Used with permission, © 2018 The New York Times

However, at the age of 16, Carter was able to taste the wonders of Kit Kat’s and Twix’s without having an allergic reaction. Carter had recently completed a yearlong clinical trial of oral immunotherapy where he was gradually exposed to increasing amounts of peanuts in hopes of reducing his sensitivity to peanuts.

This new drug, named AR101, was created by Aimmune Therapeutics. The active ingredient in AR101 is surprisingly peanut flour. The peanut flour is carefully measured and packaged into capsules which can be opened so that the peanut flour can be added into foods and consumed. Dr. Vickery, lead scientist of the study, said, “This trial has generated the highest quality evidence to date about whether oral immunotherapy works and how safe it is.”

The treatment itself can cause allergic reactions among participants. However, participants who complete the clinical trial are better able to handle an accidental exposure to peanuts. “You exchange that uncertain, unpredictable risk of having an accidental reaction that spirals out of control for these . . . mostly mild or moderate symptoms, that are manageable for most patients,” Dr. Vickery said.

The goal of this treatment is not to cure the allergy but instead to lower the risk that an accidental exposure to peanuts will cause a life-threatening reaction. Thus, allowing children with peanut allergies and their families to live without fear and anxiety of an accidental encounter with peanuts which could potentially lead to harm, or in worse cases, death.

This treatment has been life changing for Carter, who continues to eat small amounts of peanuts to maintain his low-level tolerance. He said, “I can go sit in a place another kid was the day before and not have to wipe off the desk, and not worry about what my friends are eating around me.” He then mentioned, “To me, a peanut was like a weapon, like you have a gun to your head and you could have the trigger pulled any time. There’s not really that gun anymore.”

Figure 2. Carter Grodi at home in Florida with his mother, Carolee. Used with permission, © 2018 The New York Times

AR101 has been named a breakthrough therapy. Plans are in motion for this drug to undergo priority review and to go through a quickened approval process. “It could be on the market by the end of 2019,” a spokeswoman said.

Trevor Shen

Some People Say It’s Easy to Quit


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You’ve probably heard the news, or seen posts  online about the opioid crisis affecting Canada.  British Columbia (B.C.) is the hardest hit province with the death rate of 1, 399 people in 2017 according to CBC news, which is 974 more people than 2016, who have died because of the opioid crisis. If this nasty phenomenon is happening and almost all of the public is aware about it, including drug users, then what causes them to continue to put their life at risk and inject, snort, and ingest the drug into their body knowing the possibility they may die in the upcoming couple of hours?

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According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, opioid addiction is a chronic long-lasting condition that is characterized by a powerful and compulsive urge to use an opioid drug. Without the use of the drug the abuser will feel muscle pain, anxiety, diarrhea, and cramping. These symptoms are so extreme that they will force the user to obtain the drug because without it, life will be miserable. Therefore, the abuser has no option but to ingest the drug in order to feel “normal”.

Image result for cartoon diagram of opioid receptors

Image Credit: https://www.yahoo.com/news/this-is-your-brain-on-opioids-194212388.html

Thomas R. Kosten and Tony P. George explain that 0pioids travel in the bloodstream and as soon as they enter the body they attach to little proteins in the blood called mu. We can imagine mu to be small magnets floating in our blood; once the drug attaches to mu it becomes activated triggering our brain to produce feelings of pleasure. Most often we get these same feelings of pleasure through normal day-to-day activities such as eating and sex. There is a portion of our brain that remembers the pleasurable feelings and associates them with the circumstances and the environment that we experienced them. These memories are called conditioned associations, when we experience the same conditions such as re-encountering the same people, places, or things we want the drug to make up the missing puzzle piece.

Opioid withdrawal occurs because gradually overtime opioid receptors such as mu stop responding to smaller concentrations of natural hormones. There is an area of the brain called locus ceruleus (LC). The LC controls the normal day-to-day functions such as breathing, blood pressure, and wakefulness. When the opioid drug attaches to mu, it causes the LC to stop working, which results in low blood pressure, drowsiness, and slowed respiration. However, the LC is smart! It responds by increasing its power and returning the person to a normal state by fixing all the factors mentioned above. Therefore, when opioids are present the person feels normal however when opioids are not present, the LC is still working at its strongest power and the opioid-mu complex is not available to counteract it. This causes jitters, anxiety, muscle cramps, and diarrhea – which are the symptoms of withdrawal.

Therefore opioid addiction is understood as a medical disorder, similar to heart disease, diabetes, or mental illnesses. Next time you read about the opioid crisis in B.C. never assume that people can easily stop taking their drug. They need medical help in order to stop, and until the individuals suffering don’t get the help they need they will be living in danger.

Jasleen Jassal





Last resort: It’s better to be overweight!

Being obese is a serious health risk especially because obesity is a risk factor which causes cancer. This is because the excess fat cells secrete extra hormones and growth factors that stimulate cells to multiply. Which then, there is an increased chance of cancer cell also reproducing in vast numbers.

How does being overweight cause cancer?

The fact that obesity is a major risk factor for malignancies has been proven many times, but the relationship between obesity and the immune response is not very well understood. Ironically, a recently published scientific study has shown that obese patients had a greater survival outcome to targeted therapy to treat Metastatic Melanoma. This suggests that obesity has some kind of factor that helps these patients respond better to treatments.

Metastatic Melanoma is an advanced skin cancer where the cancer cells spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs, liver and brain. Patients at this stage of cancer are treated with targeted therapy, checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapies and chemotherapy. Dr. McQuade and her colleagues followed 2046 patients with metastatic melanoma that were actively receiving one or more of these treatments from Aug. 8, 2006, to Jan. 15, 2016. Each patient was classified as normal, overweight or obese according to the body-mass index (BMI). The results show that compared to patients with normal BMI, obese patients had improved overall survival. Obese patients lived about 27 months with advanced melanoma cancer while normal BMI patients lived to only about to 17 months, near doubling in survival.

PD-1 protein inhibiting T-cells & Immune Response

It is suspected that the treatment works very well for obese patients because of the amplified results from the treatment. Advanced Melanoma treatment works by blocking activation of a protein, PD-1. Tumours stimulate the release of these proteins because they reduce the amount of immune response towards cancerous cells. In obese patients, there are greater amounts of PD-1 than in normal BMI patients and also a greater amount of leptin, a hormone created by fat cells which trigger a pathway that increases PD-1. So as soon as the treatment is in effect, the PD-1 is removed and the immune response is increased. With abundant nutrient available in obese patients, the immune response works better to attach the cancer cells.

Unfortunately, this study also showed these results were only applicable to men and there was no association between obesity and survival rates in women. Also, treating metastatic melanoma patients with a high-fat diet to mimic the effects of obesity can cause harm to patients so further research is needed before clinically used.