5 ways to eat eggs bad for your health

Why people need to eat eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest and the most commonly consumed food in the world. 

They have a high nutritional value because they contain various trace elements and kinds of essential vitamins needed by the human body, such as protein, vitamin D, B vitamins, minerals, and so on. 










Recent news about eating eggs

With the improvement of living conditions, people’s requirements on diet have been gradually improved. In today’s society, people are more and more about their health. As part of a balanced diet, people like to eat eggs to supplement nutrition. However, recent news on newspapers shows eats eggs can cause heart disease because of the high protein. Therefore, whether eating eggs bad or good to human health has caused concern.

  High protein in eggs

The protein required for people is 0.8g per kilogram of body weight. According to the dietary reference intake for protein, we can find:

  1. 56g protein required by the average sedentary man per day
  2. 46g protein required by the average sedentary woman per day

One large egg can provide about 6g protein, which makes up over 10% of the average sedentary man required per day and 12.5% of the average sedentary woman required per day.

To prevent side effects of eating eggs, people should pay attention to the following ways of eating eggs.

1. Eating raw eggs







Some people think that if food is cooked, it would lose its nutritional value. Therefore, many people like to eat raw vegetables and seafood, and they think that raw eggs have a higher nutritional value than cooked eggs.

However, eating raw eggs are more likely to carry bacteria, such as coli into the stomach, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and Diarrhea. In addition, the raw egg white contains Avidin, which only can be destroyed by high temperature. The Avidin can affect the absorption of the biotin in food, and cause many unpleasant symptoms, such as inappetence, muscle ache, skin inflammation, eyebrow fell off, and so on.







2. Cooking eggs for a long time







Some people think that more time used to cook eggs, it is better for human health. However, it is also wrong because if the egg is cooked for a long time, the ferrous ions in the yolk would combine with the sulfur ions in the egg white to form the insoluble ferrous sulfide, which is difficult to be absorbed. 

Also, fried eggs would be too old and the edges would be scorched when they are cooked for a long time. The polymer-protein in the egg white can form low molecular amino acid, which could form harmful chemicals to human health under high temperature.


3. Eating too many eggs in a day



















If people eat too many eggs, the metabolites and the burden on the kidneys would increase, which can cause kidney failure symptoms. 

Here are a few effective tips:

For the elderly people, they can eat 1~2 eggs per day.

For the young and middle-aged people who engage in mental work or light manual labor, they can eat 2 eggs per day.

For people who engage in heavy manual labor, they need to consume more nutrition. So they can eat 2~3 eggs per day.

For young children, they can eat 2~3 eggs per day because of their fast metabolism.

For Pregnant women, lying-in women, breastfeeding women, individuals with weak immune systems and the patient that undertakes postoperative convalescence, they can eat 3 ~ 4 eggs per day because they need to get enough protein.

4. Eating eggs with sugar or soy milk








Many people like to cook eggs with sugar, but eggs can react with sugar under high temperature, and produce a substance called Glycolysis, which can destroy the amino acids in eggs. It is important to note that glycolysis has side effects on blood coagulation, which can harm human health. Therefore, people should leave eggs cool down before adding sugar.








In addition, many people like to have an egg, a bread, and a cup of soy milk for breakfast. In fact, the Trypsin in soy can combine with the egg pine protein in the egg white, which can cause nutrient loss and reduce their nutritional value.

5. Eating excess eggs on an empty stomach

If people consume excessive food with high protein, such as milk, soy milk, eggs and meat, the protein would be conversed forcedly into energy consumption, which cannot provide nutrition to people.

What’s more, when human body accumulates excess protein in a short period, the protein decomposition process can produce a variety of harmful substances that can bad for human health, such as urea, ammonia compounds, and so on.

In brief, if people pay attention to ways to eat eggs, eating eggs can help people meet their demand for protein, and it can bring many advantages to human health.

Information Attribute from

Denise Hill(n.d): https://www.lifehack.org/488728/10-foods-to-eat-and-avoid-on-an-empty-stomach-for-better-digestive-health

Estherjane13(Feb23,2017): http://www.thewholesomefork.com/2017/02/23/how-many-eggs-is-it-safe-to-eat-per-day/

Haley Hernandez(Sep 13,2018): https://www.click2houston.com/health/is-eating-eggs-good-or-bad-for-you-

Healthline(July23,2016): https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/eating-raw-eggs#section3

Healthline(Aug26,2016): https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/eating-healthy-eggs

GirlsTalkinSmack(n.d.): http://women.girlstalkinsmack.com/Food/foods-you-should-not-eat-with-eggs.aspx

JayneLeonard(Oct3,2018): https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323251.php    

Zhou LU

The Importance of Sleep

Why Do We Need to Sleep?

While not many may know why we need to sleep, most of us do know at some level that sleeping makes us recover the weariness from the previous day or days. Researchers have now shown that sleeping helps us retain information processed in the day time, restore and grow muscles, repair tissues, and even synthesize hormones. However, we still do not know the mechanisms behind much of these known effects of sleep.

A Question Unanswered?

For the past decades, scientist have explored this topic over several aspects. Despite this, it has been difficult to answer this question thoroughly with just one single theory. Instead, sleep patterns can be explained through several sleep theories.

Theories of Sleep

Inactivity theory

One of the earliest theories for sleep, which bases its idea from animal evolution theory.  The theory suggests that inactivity at night serves as a survival function that would keep them out of harms’ way. This is especially the case of animals who would rely heavily on their day time visions. These animals would avoid accidents from happening during night times, for example, trespassing into predatory zones. However, this does not explain why some vision-based animals or humans sleep during the day time.

Restorative Theories

A long held believe is that sleep in some way restores what is lost in the body while we were awake. Sleep provides an opportunity for our body to repair and rejuvenate itself. It is shown that for animals that are completely deprived of sleep loses all immune functions and die within a couple of weeks. This result further supports that some of the major restorative functions like the repair of muscles, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release only occur during sleep.

On its brain and cognitive aspect, the neurons in our brain produces a type of by-product in our brain called adenosine. The build up of these adenosine is thought to be one contributing factor for why we get tired and drowsy. This reaction in our brain is thought to promote the drowsiness while we are awake. When we sleep, our brain has a chance to clear the adenosine from our neuro-system; and when we have enough sleep and wake up, we would feel more alerted with low level of adenosine in the brain.

 Environmental-Cue Theory

This theory involves the internal clock of your body, where the body is in sync with certain cues in the environment. The different light intensities that you receive during day and night are the cues that makes you feel awake or drowsy.For example, light signals received through your eyes transmit a neuro signal to a special area of your brain that it is daytime. This area of the brain helps align your body clock with periods of the day and night. Your body releases chemicals in a daily rhythm, which your body clock controls. When it gets dark, your body releases a hormone called melatonin, which signals your body that it’s time to prepare for sleep, and it helps you feel drowsy. Exposure to bright artificial light (TV screen, computer screen, cell phone etc.) in the late evening can disrupt this process, making it hard to fall asleep. As the sun rises, your body releases a hormone called the cortisol, which naturally prepares your body to wake up.

source: Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Recommended hours of sleep for each age group:

The amount of sleep you need each day will change over the course of your life, but irregular sleep habits and long-term sleep loss will affect your health in the long run. Certain medical conditions are associated with sleep disorder or deficiency . For example:

  • high blood pressure
  • attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • heart failure
  • obesity

Hence, it is necessary to maintain a healthy sleep pattern.  Although sleep needs vary from person to person, the chart below shows general recommendations for different age groups:

source: National Sleep Foundation

The goal of learning sleep patterns is to better understand the importance of sleeps and enjoy its health benefits. Hope everyone can get enough sleep, because it is vital for us in the future. If you have any sleep theories that you would like to share or anything you just want to share, please comment below!

By: Robin Yuyang Wei

Does Not Wearing Glasses Mean Contact Lenses for Life?

“Why don’t you try contact lenses,” my optometrist offered when I told him I hated my glasses. This is a more common situation than not. I hated spending $200 on glasses each time I wanted to change my style, which is already on the lower end of the price range. Similarly, getting contacts would mean spending up to $1200 a year! Thus, are contact lenses the only solution to glasses?


A pair of stylish glasses.                                        Credit: Max Pixel

I am sure you have heard of the term myopia and presbyopia or even astigmatism. These are all different types of refractive errors; a condition where the shape of your eye does not bend light properly. With the introduction of refractive surgery, the eye care scene grew drastically with new methods to correct refractive errors through changing the eye’s structures.

Where to Start?

Like any medical procedure, you will arrive for your initial consultation. Your visit will likely begin with the careful investigation of your medical history and countless tests to assess your eye. Then your doctor will discuss the different procedures you are a candidate for. Two of these are LASIK and PRK.

What is LASIK?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis or more commonly known as LASIK, is the most well-known refractive surgery technique.  By using a laser, ophthalmologists form a thin flap in the cornea – a transparent dome covering the outermost layer of the eye – making the removal of a specific amount of corneal tissue possible, before refolding the flap into its original position. This alters the eye’s ability to focus light.

The basic steps on the LASIK procedure.   Credit: Andrearchy LASIK


What is PRK?

Do you enjoy sports or just have a very active lifestyle in general? If so, another type of refractive surgery called photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is perfect for you. In contrast to LASIK, where instead of creating a corneal flap that can become dislodged with intense movement, the doctor will remove the corneal epithelial, which will allow a laser to reshape the deeper cornea.

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Am I Free From Corrective Lenses Now?

It would be pointless if your surgery does not improve your eyesight at all. That’s money down the drain! With any of the procedures, most people end up with 20/40 vision or better. Thus, you can leave your fashionable glasses at home!

Snellen chart to help determine visual acuity.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Laser Correction Sounds Exciting, but Scary!

Unfortunately, there are inherent risks and potential side effects. Over time your eyesight will deteriorate and you might one day need glasses again to see properly. As for the immediate side effects of surgery, there is the rare chance of going blind, but in the hands of an expert surgeon the probability is 1 in 5 million. Instead, the possibility of chronic dry eyes is more worrisome. Thus, as you begin your journey remember to save up some money in advance for artificial tears!

By: Jodie Xie



Two’s a Crowd: Liver Disease Risk Increases With Multiple Risk Factors

Why It Matters

If you’re a health-conscious sort of person, you probably already know that keeping a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle can reduce your risk of certain health problems – for instance, liver disease. But did you know that exposure to certain chemicals can influence your liver’s health for the worse?

How Tough is Your Liver?

When faced with handling its typical everyday duties, the liver is a very resilient organ. It can easily recover from the early stages of damage that may lead to liver disease, such as having a few drinks in one night. However, when the number of risk factors concerning the liver begins to add up, the likelihood of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease increases. Included in the list of risk factors that may pose a threat is the presence of certain chemicals in the environment.

Diagram of the liver in the human body. Source: Wikimedia Commons


PCBs: A Potential Threat

Two chemicals that may pose a threat to your liver’s health are vinyl chloride, an industrial chemical, and polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs), which are oily liquids used in electrical equipment. PCBs have been banned since the 1970s due to their health risks, but unfortunately, they break down very slowly and as a result are oftentimes still present in air, water, and soil sources across the globe. Currently, the greatest potential source for coming into contact with PCBs is through consuming animal products. Recent studies by the Environmental Protection Agency revealed that the maximum concentration of PCBs is just a few parts per billion (ppb) in fish, and even less for meat and dairy. These levels are considered safe for humans, though people who eat large amounts of seafood may be at higher risk.

Structure of a polychlorinated biphenyl compound. Source: OSPAR


Healthy Choices Can Reduce Your Risk

However, experts agree that for most people, there’s no need to panic – the effects of these chemicals were only seen to be harmful when combined with additional unhealthy lifestyle factors such as obesity or a diet with a large excess of calories. Just look to rodents for an example: in lab experiments, only the obese mice which were fed excessive amounts of food suffered from the chemicals’ harmful effects, while the healthy mice were not affected by the chemicals. It’s only when faced with additional risk factors, such as obesity, lifestyle, or genetics, that it becomes necessary to pay extra attention to your liver’s health by watching out for the warning signs of liver damage.


Video explaining the warning signs of liver damage. Source: Intan Farisha


A Final Note

The good news is that for an active person of a healthy weight, these chemicals likely don’t pose a cause for concern. So don’t worry, your liver is probably going to be just fine – as long as you remember to eat your veggies and go for a jog once in a while!

How to reduce premature skin aging?


Looking good is a huge topic for people, especially  for women and skin-aging is a main factor of looking good. To maintain or enhance the external appearance, cosmetics are used frequently. In Canada, there were 3,100 cosmetics and beauty supplies store in 2016. The value of Canada cosmetic market is expected to reach around 15.8 million U.S dollars in 2021. However, have you ever wondered if your skin care products actually work to help your avoid wrinkles and get better skin. The answer for this question is no. Most of your skin care products which advertised themselves as anti-aging products do not help you preventing wrinkles.

Image result for skin care product

Figure 1: Skin Care Product

If you are looking for methods to reduce skin aging, there are only two things that will help anti-aging, which are sunscreen and retinol. For detailed information, check What causes our skin to age?. The video truth about looking good can also provide further information.

Source: BBC


The appearance of wrinkle should mostly blame on the sunlight. Fibrillin, the protein that support the outside of our skin, will get hurt for exposure in sunshine.  The only product can help to prevent aging skin is sunscreen. A good sunscreen should have enough SPF to avoid UVB which may cause skin burning and 5-star rating to prevent UVA which will directly result in skin-aging. Other than choosing a good sunscreen, the most important thing is using sunscreen everyday whatever the whether is and the season is.

Figure 2: Common sunscreens in market

Vitamin A

The sunscreen can only prevent the generation of wrinkles, it can’t remove the existing wrinkles. It’s common known that some anti-aging treatment like botox can help to remove existing wrinkles. However, some of us are not prepared to accept treatment involved needles. If you are one of them, then the only thing can help is retinol. Tretinoin, a prescription-strength product, can markably reduce wrinkles in short term. The strong side effect of tretinoin including redness, irritation and burning feel may discourage consumers to use it. But, if people are willing to fine lines without injection, the only thing left is retinol product, as known as Vitamin A. To avoid maladjustment of strong product, consumers can start with product containing only 0.1% of retinol and increase the content little by little.


As the article claimed, if you are willing use products to anti-aging, the best choice is sunscreen. There is no other product will help, so don’t believe the advertisement. To fine lines and wrinkles, you can choose to professional skin care clinical to accept treatment and ask for tretinoin. Besides, you can try retinol which also works without strong irritation.

African Wild Dogs Have a Democracy?!

the African wild dog, also known as the African painted dog, has the scientific, genus and species, names of Lycaon pictus, meaning “wolf-like, painted”Native to the East African arid savannas, forests and grasslands they live in packs that are highly social. They prey on rodents, lizard and large herbivores such as wildebeests or antelope.

Their success is due to voting?

These packs of dogs are highly effective predators, hunting and killing with an 80% average success rate! As a comparison lion packs kill with a 10% average success rate. This is due to their highly social pack life. Unlike other predator packs, these dogs seem to value teamwork and empathize deeply for their other pack members. Led by a monogamous alpha male and alpha female pair, before each hunt these African wild dogs take a vote on whether or not they should hunt. How they vote is by rallying together and “sneezing,” if many sneezes are heard they hunt, if not many sneezes are heard they don’t hunt (they do not actually sneeze but rather rapidly exhale which sounds like a sneeze to us). During the hunt, they rely on each other and all contribute equally while also willing each other to “keep going”. Not only are they fair in hunting they are also fair when it comes to eating their prey. Unlike hyenas, who fight each other over the food, the African wild dogs share equally giving the best parts to the youngest in the hunt and even bringing some back for the puppies and the sick. However, since the African wild dogs live in habitats with other predators, such as lions, they need to eat their meals quickly and quietly, meaning they bring back food by regurgitation.

Pack life outside of hunting

Their socialism does not end with the hunts, it extends to their whole lives. The alpha female is the only one who gives birth to ALL the new pups bringing in the next generation! She births 2 to 20 pups and when they are born the rest of the pack helps nurse, feed, and babysit. In addition to feeding, pups need to stay at the dens for up to 10 weeks, which in the animal kingdom is a long time. Being in one place for too long with vulnerable young can cause other predators to attack making it hard for the adults to protect them.

However, their troubles don’t end there! Due to farmers hunting them, disease, global warming and habitat fragmentation from human expansion, these insanely smart animals are now classified as endangered, with only 6,600 remaining in the world today! Sadly, mortality rates for African wild dog pups are rising with temperature according to a study done on reproductive success.

So what is being done to help these animals? World Wild Life (WWF) is protecting wildlife corridors between game reserves and another practice is nursing the sick back to health then reintroducing them into wildlife


The inspiration behind this post:


By: Fatima Syed