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Change starts with communication: A look into species modelling

As we see rising global temperatures, shrinking glaciers, increased species extinction, and so much more, research in environmental conservation in the 21st century has become more important than ever. Dr. Nathalie Isabelle Chardon and her colleague’s research in Greenland, published on March 23, 2022, emphasizes the need for more attention to data collection for species prediction.

Predicting Species Distribution & Abundance

A vital part of environmental conservation is tracking and predicting where species will be as they are subject to changes in the environment. These predictions are generated by examining where species are located, in what amounts, the environmental conditions they are found in, as well as the interactions they have with other species in the area. Such models are called species distribution (SDM) and abundance (SAM) models.

Frame quadrant data collection in Greenland Source: Nathalie Isabelle Chardon

Based on these models, researchers can then predict whether or not a species would be expected to be found in another area with similar conditions. The ability to make predictions on species distribution and abundance is crucial in understanding how these species will be affected by things like human interference and climate change. Scientists can then use this information to determine what species are in need of conversation efforts and to what degree of urgency.

New Research in SDM/SAM Modeling

Models such as the SDM and SAM have existed and have been used by researchers to study conservation biogeography 2013. However, a big part of science is that it is constantly evolving, changing, and adapting to new information uncovered by scientists, and such change is seen in SDM and SAM models as well. A recent study conducted by Dr.Chardon found that while common models using only one location to collect data provide good model performance, that does not necessarily guarantee realistic results. The study found that although models that use multiple locations for data collection had an overall weaker model performance, the generated results were more realistic and applicable. Additionally, Dr.Chardon’s research also indicated that including interactions between species as a variable of these models can greatly improve the model’s performance. 

Importance of Science Communication in Environmental Research

The health of our planet and biodiversity is vital to our survival as human beings that rely solely on the environment for resources. Not only does this make research in environmental conservation important, but public awareness of this issue is also just as important. Effective public awareness comes down to effective science communication between scientists and the public. To this day, we continue to see a denial of the idea that climate change is real. Such conflict in climate change opinions often stems from mistrust and miscommunication between scientists and the audience, as well as personal beliefs regarding the topic. Thus, emphasizing the importance for scientists to share knowledge on how conclusions to scientific statements are made, as well as for the public to be open to new findings. 

Dr.Chardon and Colleague during their research in Greenland Source: Dr.Nathalie Isabelle Chardon

Written by: Group 2 – Irene Choi, Joanne Kit, Jonathan Hao, & Sicong He

Membrane Trafficking and Relation to Disease

It is often difficult to dissect the causes of diseases like ALS, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s at the cellular level. We do know that a malfunction of certain cellular processes causes these diseases. However, there are so many cellular tasks that it is complicated to pinpoint an exact cause. Luckily, new research investigating membrane trafficking mechanisms gives us some insight into why these diseases occur.

What is membrane trafficking?

Think of our cells as complicated machines that operate on strict protocols. One of its functions is to transport cargo from place to place, sort of like a highway. Membrane trafficking is the process of distributing goods within a cell, into a cell, or out of a cell. These goods can range from a variety of things like proteins or macromolecules. The following is a video to explain membrane trafficking more easily:


How is membrane TRAFFICKING-RELATED to these diseases?

At the current moment, there isn’t a lot of research done in this particular field. We know that in brain cells, communication is done in the language of membrane trafficking. By distributing certain goods from brain cell to brain cell, they’re able to create an information network that allows our bodies to perform actions like moving our arms, smelling the air, etc. However, the disruption of membrane trafficking causes a break in this information network, which forms disease as previously mentioned. Fortunately, new research investigates how the breaks in the information network occur.

The VINE complex is a VPS9-domain GEF-containing SNX-BAR coat involved in endosomal sorting

We’ve had an amazing opportunity to interview Shawn P. Shortill, a Ph.D. candidate at BC Children’s Hospital through the medical genetics department at the University of British Columbia. He has been working on a research paper on the topic of membrane trafficking. 

Essentially, Shortill’s research used budding yeast as a model organism to study the fundamentals of membrane trafficking pathways. Budding yeast is a great research tool as its genes can be easily altered, cells are similar to human cells,  there is a lot of it, gives fast results, and is extremely cheap. The following podcast clip gives a quick insight into the specifics of Shortill’s research:

Shortill has identified a series of proteins (called VINE) located on the endosome, an important cellular component for membrane trafficking, that is essential for regulating membrane trafficking. VINE has also been speculated to be involved in ALS and Parkinson’s development.

How is this research important?

As previously mentioned, the discovery of VINE is important because of the potential to be involved in the aforementioned diseases. However, not much else can be discussed in the context of disease. Nonetheless, this is a step forward in understanding why certain diseases occur at the cellular level. The next step forward is to determine if this research can be applied to human cells and if it is truly related to the disease. 

We would like to thank Shawn for giving us the time to interview him and for him to fully educate us on his research. 

– Olivia Kochhar, Ryan To, Darryl Ma, Jimmy Huang

Breakthrough in Fusion Energy

When the term “renewable energy” comes up in conversation, we immediately think of methods like solar and hydropower. However, these modes of energy production come with pros and cons. For example, hydropower is not feasible in areas without access to moving or falling water and solar energy only works when there is available sunlight. However, one method that is up-and-coming to produce renewable energy is fusion reaction, which has the potential to be extremely versatile.

what is fusion energy?

To fully graph the idea of fusion energy, we have to understand the concept of nuclear fusion. At the most rudimentary level, nuclear fusion is the process of merging two small atomic elements together. In this process, the merging of the two atomic elements releases energy that can be harnessed. However, the actual physics and mathematics are more complicated than previously explained.

For a more concise look into nuclear fusion, refer to the following video:

The main advantages of fusion energy are that it produces little to no greenhouse gasses. The disadvantage of the fusion reaction is that currently, the energy input exceeds the energy output and there is the production of small amounts of radioactive waste.

what is the future of nuclear fusion looking like?

As of February 9th, 2022, engineers at the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Joint European Torus (JET) facility in Oxford produced 59 megajoules of sustained fusion energy, which breaks the previous record of 22 megajoules set in 1997. This reaction lasted for five seconds before breaking down. However, the energy input to start the reaction exceeded the amount of energy produced. Nonetheless, this experiment displayed that the fusion reaction can be sustained for a good amount of time and is a great stepping stone for a future experiment set in 2026 called ITER.

A Look into Fusion Reactor – Image from Wikipedia

what is iter?

ITER is a nuclear fusion plant currently being built in southern France and is set to begin experiments in 2025. The goal of ITER is to produce 500 megawatts of energy in 400-second intervals. For some context, if this facility was to use one ton of deuterium, one of the two small elements used for fusion reaction, that would be the equivalent of using 29 billion tons of coal to produce energy. If experimentation is a success, then there is a great possibility for a further transition away from fossil fuel usage.

ITER fusion reactor – Image from ITER

overall takeaways

From recent news, there is potential for fusion energy to be a mainstream source of renewable energy. There is optimism that ITER will be a success from the JET experiment. However, ITER experimentation begins in 2025 and results can differ from what is predicted. For now, we will still have to rely on current methods of renewable energy production.

– Jimmy Huang

Will Artificial Intelligence Save Humanity Or End It?

Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, is the broad idea that machines can make decisions and perform tasks without being explicitly programmed to. AI uses machine learning, deep learning, and other techniques to learn how to solve problems beyond its understanding just like a human child. In some ways, AI is very similar to the neurons in the human brain, because it relies heavily on neural networks which are huge interconnected algorithms that process information by responding to different inputs. Since AI is a very new topic in our era, there are many different perspectives on its impact on humanity. Some consider AI a potential threat to humanity that will one day dominate the Earth, while others believe that AI is the savior that will solve most of humanity’s problems.

    A drawing of a small neural network. A neural network starts with input or multiple         inputs and processes that information until it releases the output or the response.                               Image taken from a public domain.               

How dangerous is AI?

Many people who dislike AI claim that AI’s knowledge is superior and beyond the human level. Just like a calculator, AI is very good at taking numbers and multiplying or adding them. However, AI itself isn’t too smart, as it lacks the ability to solve problems larger than its scope of intelligence. When AI reaches a problem beyond its scope, it simply produces error messages and fails. On the other hand, when humans reach a difficult problem, they look for other ways to solve the issue. Unlike humans, AI can’t perform complex divergent thinking, at least not yet!

Over the past few years, many jobs have been replaced by automated machines and artificial intelligence. As a result, there have been many concerns about the threat of AI taking over human occupations. Fortunately, unlike many science fiction movies, AI cannot take over human jobs and permanently replace us because humans are inherently needed to create the training data AI is created based on. Additionally, unless the tasks are on an enormous scale, it is much cheaper and more efficient to use humans instead of AI.

In many large companies, jobs are being replaced by AI for the long-term interest of the                   company. This graph shows the most vulnerable jobs in the US.                                                      Photo from CBINSIGHTS                       

Is AI perfect?

So by now, you might be thinking that AI is perfect. Not at all! AI is used around the world for many important tasks and decision-making processes. Some of these include Amazon’s hiring process, iPhone’s Siri and facial recognition, and Tesla’s self-driving cars. With the advancement of technology, many companies are trying to create their own AI system at a fast pace, which leads to many bugs going through without being fixed. In a worst-case scenario, an AI programmer’s bias could subconsciously affect the algorithms that make up the AI. These algorithmic bugs and biases can create dangerous racial and gender bias during important decisions such as hiring, loan application, and criminal justice, leading to discrimination of certain groups within the society. Such problems can only be solved by humans looking over and supervising the AI.

In Conclusion

Overall, AI is a huge development and it has helped humanity in many ways, but it is also important to acknowledge that AI will never replace humans and our decision-making. At the same time, the concept that AI will one day terminate our world is recognized within the public eye, due to a lack of understanding of how artificial intelligence and algorithms are created and used. Therefore, our goal should be to resolve the issues in artificial intelligence and work towards perfecting the algorithms, so that we can build a better future for all of us!

A new state of matter?

     A recent claim in an article on Phys Org by the University of Portsmouth from physicist Dr. Melvin Vopson states that a fifth state of matter might be confirmed by his experiment. This experiment uses information theory and the physical principles of thermodynamics as the background to the claims.

Image source: ElfQrin Wikipedia

Description: Image shows the conventional four states of matter and how they can change to each other.

Some background information:

Information theory states that the amount of randomness something has is the amount of information it can possibly contain and the principle of thermodynamics is that energy cannot be destroyed in a system.


The revolutionary thought:

So how do we prove that information is a state of matter? This cannot be done like the other states in which we can easily make physical representations of them. Dr. Melvin Vopson decided to use a matter-antimatter annihilation process to study the energy coming off of their information erasure. What this basically means is he will get two electrons, tiny particles that are part of an atom, to blow each other up. This creates a resulting observable wave that comes off of it , roughly 50 micrometers, that can be used to measure the energy of the information deleted. 

New experiment could confirm the fifth state of matter in the universe

Source: University of Portsmouth PhysOrg

Description: This shows the positron-electron interaction and how the energy waves can be seen coming off of the contact between the anti matter and matter versions of the electron.

Why this matters?


The conclusion from Dr. Melvin Vopson is that this energy measure will be able to confirm both the information theory as well as prove the existence of information to be a state of matter, along with the current states of solid ,liquid ,gaseous and plasmid. This would obviously not only change the way we view the universe but open up fields of research into this state for physics. Perhaps fields of research into this information could even lead to unthinkable applications of this state of matter.

Live long and eat chocolate

The history of chocolate

Photo Credit: Stocksy/Cameron Whitman

If you can’t imagine life without chocolate, you’re fortunate you were born after the 16th century. In the past, chocolate only existed in Mesoamerica as a bitter, foamy drink. Historically, not only chocolate has been used to associate with mood-lifting, but also provides scientifically supported physical health benefits. 

The secret of chocolate 

Flavanols, are a group of compounds that is the most abundant in cocoa, have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that protect our cells from damage. As a result, consuming cocoa could help us age well and minimize our risk of getting cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and other diseases. 

YouTube Preview Image

Video:Healthy Cocoa: The Story of Cocoa Flavanols

Can Consuming Cocoa Help Us Age Better?

Dr. Yanbin Dong, a geneticist at the Medical College of Georgia, and his team are looking for answers to prove the effeteness of cocoa. They studied the blood of 600 individuals aged 60 and older who participated in the world’s largest experiment to evaluate the efficacy of a cocoa supplement as well as multivitamin on reducing heart disease, stroke, and other diseases.

Dr. Yanbin Dong. Credit: Mike Holahan, Augusta Chronicle

“People believe that eating chocolate is good for you,” Dong said, adding that global enthusiasm for the sweet treat has outpaced scientific evidence of its benefit in humans.

The COSMOS Trial (COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study), led by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, collected data from 21,444 men and women to analyze The impact of a cocoa extract supplement and/or multivitamins on common health problems.

Inflammation is a major factor in ageing and common conditions such as heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer.

Dong and his colleagues will focus on ageing, including so-called “inflammaging” and epigenetic ageing, which are both considered good indicators of our biological age. Biological age considers key factors that influence your health and wellbeing, such as genetics and lifestyle, rather than just the year you were born. He also performs more standard ageing tests on these people, such as blood pressure and cognitive function tests.

From the study, dark chocolate, in particular, is frequently appreciated for its health benefits as a natural and good source of antioxidants, as well as iron, copper, and other heart-healthy nutrients. According to Dong, eating chocolate has been shown to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, cognitive decline, and boost the immune response to invaders such as the coronavirus.

YouTube Preview Image

video : Cocoa: Food of the Gods | Simon TEDxUniversityofGroningen

As a result, not all chocolate gives health benefits. It is specifically the cocoa in chocolate that has been linked to positive outcomes–the higher the percentage of cocoa, the more active compounds that are present to provide health benefits.

Written by Yeonjun Choi

Sustainable Infrastructure Development? You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it too!

Roses are red, violets are blue, your house should be green, and everyone else’s too! I am not talking about the colour; I’m talking about sustainably built buildings engineered to conserve energy and reduce negative impacts associated with infrastructure development.

How Important are green buildingS?

Buildings contribute to nearly 40% of global CO2 emissions and are therefore contributing more to global emissions than the entire transportation industry. A recent study attempted to quantify the contributions of green buildings to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) outlined by the united nations. Their study revealed that green buildings will help meet the SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and 12 (Consumption and Production).

An image tweeted by the World Green Building Council outlines how buildings need to be net carbon zero by 2050 to meet emission goals, illustrating the importance of advancing green building technology. Image Credit: World Building Council

Where do building emissions come from?

The emissions from buildings can be divided into two sections: construction and operational costs. There is an upfront emission cost associated with the materials and infrastructure development during construction that accounts for 28% of the building’s emissions. Building operations include the energy used to heat, cool and light buildings, accounting for the remaining 72% of building emissions.

The carbon emissions in buildings can be divided into ‘upfront’ embodied carbon and operational carbon. Image Credit: Interface

What makes a green building “Green”?

Green buildings use different strategies to reduce the carbon footprint created by the structure: reducing energy costs, utilizing higher insulation, or collecting all necessary water on site. However, green buildings do not just apply to new buildings. Existing buildings can be made more sustainable by investing in renewable energy to replace fossil fuels or adding a green roof and solar shading devices.

Right in downtown Vancouver, the Vancouver Convention Centre is one of the leading green building designs. This building uses many creative tactics to meet net-zero carbon emissions and even provides positive feedback. This building’s roof has two distinct features that aid in decreasing its environmental impact: indigenous plants and grasses that acts as an insulator to help the building use less energy in heating and cooling and four beehives that pollinate the plants and provide honey for the kitchen. The building also has a restored marine habitat that is helping improve the water quality in the surrounding area, a water recycling system, a seawater heating and cooling system, and many other features. The architecture of this building is truly a marvel to see. See the video below to learn more about the roof of the Vancouver Convention Centre.

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Video tour of the roof of the Vancouver Convention Centre and its functions. Video Credit: Vancouver Convention Center

Along with the Vancouver Convention Centre, there are many other green buildings all around the world: the Pixel Building (Melbourne, Australia), Museum of Tomorrow (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Bosco Verticale (Milan, Italy), and many more all around the world. As green building technology develops, hopefully, this list will grow until all buildings in the world are considered green buildings.

Turn off the lights! Diabetes and heart disease could be on the line

You have probably heard it time after time — “put down your electronics before going to bed.” Falling asleep to late-night television seems like a harmless act, but what really is light doing to your body when it comes to sleep, and how much light is too much? A recent study shows that it’s more than just a good night’s worth of sleep at risk; diabetes, obesity, and other cardiovascular functions are on the line.

Light’s effect on “fight-or-flight” 

Previous studies found that light exposure during the day activates the sympathetic nervous system. This division of our nervous system is responsible for activating the body’s instinctive “fight-or-flight” responses to threatening situations and can act to increase heart rate and blood sugar levels for a boost of quick energy. Coupled with the sympathetic system, the parasympathetic system is associated with energy conservation and digestive processes crucial for the maintenance and restoration of the body. A recent study by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine found that even when the body was asleep, light exposure triggered “fight-or-flight” responses. Consequently, the two nervous system divisions became unbalanced and restoration processes were disrupted.

Source: Science Insider


Next morning insulin resistance

In this Northwestern University study, 20 healthy individuals spent 2 nights in a sleep lab while being monitored for a number of measures of sleep quality: brainwave activity, breathing, heart rate, and melatonin levels. For one night, half of the participants were exposed to light equivalent to streetlights coming through a window, while the other participants remained in a fully dark setting. In addition to “fight-or-flight” responses such as increased heart rates, researchers found a significant increase in insulin resistance the morning after in participants who slept in the dimly lit room. Insulin is a crucial hormone in our bloodstreams that signals cells to pick up sugars in the blood following the consumption of carbs to be used for energy. In the condition of insulin resistance, cells fail to properly respond to insulin, thus compromising the breakdown of sugar. In view of impaired heart and sugar regulation, the study further suggested that moderate exposure to light during sleep could increase risk factors for heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Source: Doctablet


City nights, bright lights

Surveys found that up to 40% of individuals sleep with lights on through things like phones, televisions, and table lamps. With the rise and growth of urban areas around the world, it has become even more common for individuals to experience some sort of artificial light exposure during sleep. Individuals living in the city are more susceptible to outdoor light sources such as streetlights, neon signs, and nearby buildings. Considering the light exposure we experience on a regular basis, one may wonder how much light is too much light.

Night lights in downtown Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Image Credit: Clayton Perry

In this study, only 5-10 % of the light exposed to participants went through the closed eyelids during sleep. Nevertheless, the low light exposure was enough to impact measures like heart rate and insulin resistance; emphasizing the need to be aware of even the dimmest lights during sleep.

Written by: Joanne Kit

New Treatment for HIV

HIV and its Implications

The HIV global pandemic was once a major killer in the 20th century. HIV causes mental panic, social apprehension mortality when left untreated and miseducated. Due to the fact that diseases transmitted from sexual contact or drug usage cause social stigma, the HIV global pandemic became a fight not only against the virus itself but the perception of that from the general public. Though no form of illness should be conceptualized from that of a negative connotation, HIV long has had a conception coming from promiscuity, drug addiction, and carelessness. Treatment for HIV and better education continues to be a global battle.

HIV is described as a virus with no cure but treatable. Proper treatment of HIV can allow an infected individual to live a normal lifespan. Source:

How HIV is Transmitted

HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, needle sharing, contaminated blood transfusion as well as birth. HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. The latent stage of HIV is AIDS when the CD4 cell count in the body lowers to rates that cause infections to be prone.

HIV is transmitted through four major ways: sex, blood transfusion, needle sharing and mother to baby. Source:

Treatment History

HIV treatment first began with Zidovudine, which became available in 1987. Zidovudine causes side effects such as low blood cell count, liver damage. More importantly, Zidovudine stops working as the virus mutates. In 1996, antiretrovirals became available for public use. The combination of antiretrovirals made it difficult for enzymes in HIV to replicate. In 2007, Raltegravir became available as an HIV integrase inhibitor. In 2010, Truvada became an available option for pre-exposure prophylaxis for the public.

New Injection Treatment

Treatment for those infected with HIV requires a daily oral pill. Until 2021, one of the oral pills had to be taken by someone HIV positive. A daily pill makes it difficult to adhere to treatment. Moreover, oral pills are difficult for those with swallowing difficulties, poor drug absorption, and gastrointestinal problems. Cabotegravir and rilpivirine are taken as integrase inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. These two medications are taken in injection form once every one or two months. The result is that injection forms require much less dedication to HIV treatment, as these forms don’t require a daily treatment plan. The key to HIV treatment to allow those living with the virus to lower transmission and keep the virus under control is to have an undetectable viral load. An undetectable viral load allows an infected person to live a normal lifespan and be HIV non-transmissible.  Injection treatment works equally as well as the oral pill.

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HIV injection Treatment Description

New Treatment Plan

In the UK, injection treatment for HIV will begin in 2022. Other European countries are soon to follow this plan. Another treatment plan for HIV is a solution and alternative to approach a virus in modern society.

Cancer Therapy – Breakthroughs in Cancer Cell Research and Treatment

Imagine this:

You’re living your life but suddenly you lose the urge to eat. Not a big deal, maybe it’s just a phase.

A week passes and you notice that those juicy arms you’ve worked so hard to grow to seem to start looking like sticks. Your face seems a bit discolored, somewhere on the paler side. You weigh yourself, and you’re down 10 pounds. You start feeling a bit concerned but maybe it’s the keto diet that you started.

A few more weeks pass and you feel a small bump on your lower back. Now you’re freaking out and head to the hospital. After a diagnosis, the doctor says the three dreaded words: “you have cancer.”

Although it seems like it’s the end of the world, 21st-century medical advances have allowed us to investigate and create new types of cures to combat cancer. One of these advances is chimera antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, which will be discussed more in-depth later in the post.

What is cancer?

In the most general sense, cancer is a disease that causes cells to rapidly divide and grow uncontrollably and spread to different parts of the body. Cancer cells can also aggregate in certain areas and disrupt bodily functions, also known as tumors.


Currently, there are three main types of treatment: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. As surgery suggests, it is the physical removal of a tumor. Chemotherapy uses drugs to target rapidly growing cells, even healthy cells such as hair. Finally, radiation uses x-rays, particles, or radioactive seeds to kill cancer cells. Of course, there are other types of treatment such as targeted therapy but it is less used in the medical industry.

Example of Cancer Treatment (Chemotherapy) – Image by VeryWell

A newer type of treatment, car t-cell therapy:

Chimera antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is a newer type of treatment that was tested back in 2010. Essentially, T-cells from a patient are extracted, genetically modified with CAR, and reintroduced into the patient. These modified T-cells are more adept at targeting only cancer cells. In a 2022 study by Melenhorst et al., it was found that two patients suffering from lymphocytic leukemia entered remission (signs that the cancer has reduced) right after treatment and after a decade, still continue to be in remission and even contain detectable CAR T-cells. This study shows that CAR T-cell therapy has its merits as being a legitimate treatment.

CAR T-cell Therapy Cycle – Image by Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Side effects of treatment:

Like all types of cancer treatments, there are some side effects associated. In a 2022 New York Times article by Gina Kolata, some side effects include high fevers, comas, and dangerously low blood pressure. However, some of these symptoms were resolved given time.

Overall takeaways:

Recent studies showing the results of CAR T-cell therapy have given it a chance to display the potential of it being a legitimate cancer treatment. Although some nasty side effects are associated with treatment, we cannot deny the positive effects it has shown. However, further research and testing would be crucial in developing this medical knowledge.

– Jimmy Huang