By Ranjit Kaur Dhari (1), Joanne Ricci (2) & Alysha McFadden (3)
(1) Lecturer, N336 Course Leader
(2) Senior Instructor, N427 Course Leader
(3) Clinical Associate, Evergreen Community Health Center.
Each year the Quintessence Breastfeeding Challenge takes place around the world. “This fun event is a challenge for which geographic area (province, state or territory) has the most breastfeeding babies, as a percentage of the birthrate, “latched on” at 11am local time. To celebrate breastfeeding and milk-banking, and demonstrate promotion, protection and support for breastfeeding women and their families. It’s a chance for education and peer support done in a fun social way.” ( This year’s theme emphasized the need for good, ongoing support from partners, families and health care professionals to help women be successful when choosing to breastfeed their babies.
UBC SON students June Chan & Kyle Lescisin (along with BCIT nursing students) were instrumental in the planning and implementation of this event in Richmond Community with Richmond Public Health Nurses. The goal of all displays, games and fun was to promote, support and protect breastfeeding. June and Kyle managed a resource table where they provided health information to build capacity of families.
By participating in this event students learnt about the socio cultural determinants of breastfeeding, the public barriers that exist for breastfeeding families. Students also had the opportunity to practice knowledge gained from their Relational Practice thread courses by establishing rapport and communicating with families from many different culture.
In photo: UBC Nursing students- Marina (Juana) Cornejo Chavez, Jenessa Dilley, and Lorelei Arteaga.