COMMUNITY PARTNER Project Title Description
1.       Namgis Health Centre Developing culturally safe care Assist with developing culturally safe care for people living in Alert Bay
2.       Strive Living Society Training videos & MedRec for Assisted Living Create training materials (e.g., basic videos or podcasts) for major resident diagnoses.

Assist with upgrading current MedRec process.

3.       Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children Family Orientation experience at Sunnyhill Interview families and staff; help revise current family orientation experience
4.       Alexander Street Community Program Contraceptive needs for a vulnerable population Survey/interview clients about their knowledge, attitudes and practices re: contraceptive use. If possible, develop education aids.
5.       Alexander Street Community Program Trauma-informed practice among HC workers at Alexander Street Survey/interview HC workers’ about their knowledge, attitudes and practices related to trauma-informed care delivery and practice. If possible, collate or create educational materials for staff.
6.       Vancouver Coastal Health Acute Care for Elders Unit What do nurses need to know about delirium/delirium prevention? Do a needs assessment survey of VCH ACE unit nurses. Organize/create staff resources on delirium.
7.       BC Children’s Hospital Home care knowledge needs for children with ventilators and trachs Revise current educational materials for caregivers.
8.       GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre-Vancouver Coastal Health


Developing resources to complement the sexual health rehabilitation framework for the GF Strong Rehab Centre


Sexual health is a basic human right. Nurses need to understand basic concepts related to sexual health and sexual health rehabilitation. This project aims to organize/create resources to better inform nurses about those concepts.
9.       BC Center for Disease Control Social Marketing-HPV immunizations for adolescent girls Learn about public health messaging for a unique population-design appropriate promotional content and delivery strategies
10.   Turning Point Recovery Society Wilderness curriculum for life engagement after addictions recovery Work with Turning Point staff to develop wildnerness-based activities for clients in addictions recovery
11.   Turning Point Recovery Society Promoting Healing through Therapeutic Writing- Telling stories/journaling is a therapeutic experience. Work with Turning Point staff to establish a peer-mentor writing program and possible writing publications
12.   Turning Point Recovery Society Turning Point-VCH: Policy development for Naloxone use


Develop policy and practice from the ground up with VCH Harm Reduction Services, Community Care Licensing, Turning Point.
13.   Vancouver Coastal Health New grad program redesign Assist VCH clinical educators with assessing/refining current new grad program
14.   Evergreen Community Health Center Integrating evidence-based information about e-cigarettes into school-based smoking prevention programs Assist with development of educational materials and delivery in schools
15.   Hillcrest Centre/Douglas Park Community Evaluating an arts and culture program for seniors How do arts activities influence senior engagement and buffer against dementia?  Participate in an evaluation project.
16.   RICHER Program, BC Children’s Hospital RICHER: Social pediatrics for children at risk Evaluate the effect of a clinic-based  screening tool on connecting children/families to resources
17.   UBC Comprehensive knowledge of physical assessment Identify or create online resources that cover head-to-toe assessments across the lifespan
18.   Community and Family Health, Vancouver Coastal Health STUDENT FALLS PROJECT- Paramedic management of seniors with fall Help identify and collate resources for paramedics re: prevention and management of seniors with fall
19.   Institute of Healthcare Improvement Open School


I-CAN #2


This project is an I-CAN project that covers 8 weeks.
20.   United Gospel Mission The UGM-Primary Care Referral Process
21.   United Gospel Mission UGM Diabetic education for staff Assist with resource development for UGM staff-diabetes is a common co-morbidity for the UGM clientele.
22.   Evelyn Saller Veterinary

Pop-Up Clinic

Maximize client engagement during a free pop-up clinic for Evelyn Saller clients and their pets
23.   Evergreen Community Health Center Improving care for children and youth This project will examine ways to improve the relationship  between Vancouver public health and the Vancouver School Board
24.   Evergreen Community Health Center Home health wound care referral process Referrals for wound care after acute care can fall through the cracks. Work with a home health team to audit and improve the referral process.
25.   Pender Clinic Environmental scan of DTES resources for primary care/home care nurses There are programs and services for DTES clients-but they need to be collated for easy use by clients and nurses.
26.   Pender Clinic Women’s Night in the DTES Conduct a needs assessment, plan  self-sustaining model to raise women’s awareness of self-healthcare management; assist with organizing women’s peer support groups; work on potential grant funding
27.   Ravensong Community Health Centre Under development-will expose students to nurse roles and accountabilities at Ravensong
28.   Canadian Mental Health Association of BC
29.   WHO Learning from Brilliant Failures Brilliant Failures are defined as practices that were implemented based on good intentions, with efforts to avoid mistakes, yet without having reached the planned effects. Work with a nurse colleague in WHO to identify what can learn from public health Brilliant Failures.
30. Vancouver Coastal Health ED iCARE-VCH Ensuring appropriate follow up care for frail elder d/c from the ED