Assignment 6 – Case Study Part II

Assignment 06: Case Study Part II 

Group – Delivery Time 3 Weeks 


In this assignment, students will introduce & develop ideas for cities of the future.  


Objective: Work collaboratively to  enhance spatial attributes and urban phenomena through your group’s design proposal. Generate bold ideas on the future of urban living. Create a compelling argument to support your design.  



  • Building from the previous assignment, integrate the strategy developed by your team into your design proposal for the future of the built urban environment. 
  • Visualize changes to the environment, urban form, and infrastructure.
  • Describe how systems interact with one another; visualize flows of information, people, structures, etc.  




  • Use annotated diagrams, animations, GIFs, or other graphic devices, to visualize how the city will evolve. 
  • Prepare a 10-minute presentation to share in class on Wednesday, December 6th.

Ensure the scale of your drawing is clear. Include a scale bar and north arrow when appropriate. The deliverables can be drawn analog, digitally or as a combination of both.  

Please submit your work to the blog by Tuesday, December 5th at 11:59 pm.   

* In general, the number of deliverables is flexible for this course. We encourage students to make their own decision about what drawings are needed; the deliverables are a suggestion.  For example, students may wish to alter the scale or add additional drawings to explain their observations. 




Bloch, S. (2019). Shade. Places.  

Holmes, R. (2020). The problem with solutions. Places.  

 National Geographic. (2019, April 26). Cities of the future.  

TED Conferences [TED]. (2018, July 16). How we can design timeless cities for our collective future | Vishaan Chakrabarti [Video]. YouTube. 



Rogers, A. (2020, January 8). 8 Cities that show you what the future will look like. Wired. 

Inspiring podcasts on urbanism, design, architecture + city planning. reSITE. 


DES430 2022 Student Examples: 

Bea Benidy, Liana Zheng, Shelly Ugalino: 

Ghazal Torkaman, Avin Alimohammadi, Elizabeth Gin: 

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