A06 | Fabien Kwan, Nathan Chew, McNeil Fiesta

Located between Stanley Park, Vancouver Harbour, the Downtown Core, and English Bay, Vancouver’s West End is home to a diverse and eclectic mix of low to high-rise residential buildings. The neighbourhood has been and continues to be the subject of new high-rise development projects conducive to the economic interests of city developers and investors. However, the monumental nature and the lack of resident presence results in a breeding ground for social isolation raising the need to provide equitable and inclusive gathering spaces within the urban environment. The West End’s overabundance of above-ground off-street parking lots and the scarcity of green space provide an opportunity to remediate and create a network of pocket parks in the neighbourhood. 

Through a phased design approach, our project aims to revitalize and reclaim parking lots in the West End and transform these margins into destinations of green spaces that can facilitate levels of interaction between the community, building residents and nature. The design features previous ground conditions, pollinator gardens, a pavilion, and rain gardens. Overall, our project intends to foster urban vitality by introducing a network of accessible green spaces woven into the urban fabric. 


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