Assignment 05: Case Study Part I
Group – Delivery Time 3 Weeks
In this assignment, students will evaluate urban form.
Objective: Use methods of site analysis to identify and document open space, urban form, and infrastructure across Vancouver’s urban environment. Work collaboratively to identify strategic urban planning priorities and tackle complex issues.
- Visit and analyze the environment (open space, urban form and infrastructure) of a site near downtown Vancouver. Student groups will be provided with options for site selection via Canvas.
- Using the knowledge you have gained in class thus far, identify priorities for improving the urban fabric. Develop a hierarchy of priorities and justify your rationale. What would be your first priority, second and third? Is there a hierarchy at all?
- Develop a broad design strategy. Create a framework for how your group plans to address the urban environment (open space, urban form, and infrastructure). Document your process. Use a combination of brief written statements and annotated sketches, diagrams, and photographs to convey your strategy. A clear example of this is Vancouver Rain-City Strategy, found in the required readings.
- Be prepared to discuss your conclusions in class and compare your findings with other groups.
Using written and graphic communication:
- Summarize site issues and design priorities, presented as a single (or multiple) infographic.
- Define a clear and concise description of the vision, goals, and objectives your group will take forward in part II.
Ensure the scale of your drawing is clear. Include a scale bar and north arrow when appropriate. The deliverables can be drawn analog, digitally or as a combination of both.
Please submit your work to the blog by Tuesday, October 31st at 11:59 pm.
* In general, the number of deliverables is flexible for this course. We encourage students to make their own decision about what drawings are needed; the deliverables are a suggestion. For example, students may wish to alter the scale or add additional drawings to explain their observations.
City of Vancouver. (2019). Rain city strategy.
Haaland, C., van den Bosch, C.K. (2015). Challenges and strategies for urban green-space planning in cities undergoing densification: A review. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(4), 760-771.
Joist, D. (2012). The measured response. Landscape Architecture Magazine.
Nesbitt, L., Meitner, M. J., Girling, C., & Sheppard, S. R. J. (2019). Urban green equity on the ground: Practice-based models of urban green equity in three multicultural cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 44, 126433.
DES430 2022 Student Examples:
Cole Quist, Kristina Kozlitina, Zacharie Lauziere-Fitzgerald:
April Liu, Jenny Ye, Nicola Chau, Soyeon Park: