Assignment 1 – Home Ground

Assignment 01: Home Ground 

Individual – Delivery Time 1 Week  

In this assignment, students will observe & record a familiar space.  

Objective: Demonstrate your ability to capture a place that is familiar to you at multiple scales. Understand the influence of social, cultural, and environmental phenomena on your perception of space. Use drawings to capture and communicate your understanding of spatial attributes and distribution. 


  • Draw a site plan at a 1:100 scale of a place you consider home and its surrounding context (e.g., garden, street, surrounding buildings). Include elements for scale comparison, such as a car or a person. 
  • Draw a map of your neighbourhood at a 1:500 scale. The map should differentiate between open space and built features to generate an image of the urban form (roads, paths, vegetation, trees, buildings, etc.).  
  • Draw a diagram of your city that describes its urban form and geographic context. You will determine the appropriate scale.  



  • 1:100 Site Plan 
  • 1:500 Neighbourhood Plan 
  • City Diagram  

Ensure the scale of your drawing is clear. Include a scale bar and north arrow when appropriate. The deliverables can be drawn analog, digitally or as a combination of both.  


Please submit your work to the blog by Tuesday, September 12th at 11:59 pm.  

* In general, the number of deliverables is flexible for this course. We encourage students to make their own decision about what drawings are needed; the deliverables are a suggestion.  For example, students may wish to alter the scale or add additional drawings to explain their observations. 




Roehr, D., (2022).Multisensory landscape design: A designer’s guide for seeing. Routledge.  

  • Chapter 1 (pp. 4-12), Chapter 2 (pp. 27-44), Chapter 4 (pp. 131-134) 


Badger, E. (2012, November 9). The evolution of urban planning in 10 diagrams. Retrieved from 

Graves, C. (2021, April 15). “Mapping abstract concepts for urban design” a lecture presented to HTWG Konstanz. Looking@Cities. Retrieved from 


Martin, J., & Bliss, L. (2022, April 18). Powerful maps reflect two years of covid transformations. Retrieved from 


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