Assignment 3 – Supernatural

Assignment 03: Supernatural 

Individual – Delivery Time 1 Week 


In this assignment, students will observe & record local environments.  


Objective: Compare and contrast different forms of greenspaces. Examine the program, structure, and function of human-made and natural areas.  



  • Visit, investigate, observe and draw the Nitobe Garden at UBC as a class. Examine the infrastructure, spaces and buildings (human-made stream, bridge, pond, teahouse, and path system).  
  • Visit, investigate, observe and draw Spanish Banks in West Point Grey on your own time. Examine the infrastructure (roads, paths, beach line, drainage of slopes), topography, (existing contours from Van Map) woodland and open spaces.  
  • Engage with the senses and document multisensorial experiences.  Immerse yourself in the above environments and pay attention to the sensory elements, such as light, sound, touch, etc. Use your imagination to consider the broad spectrum of possible sensorial experiences, and how they relate to the physical conditions of the landscape and built environment.  
  • Describe your investigation and insights through sketches and establish a narrative of your experience. Explore various points of interest, focal-points and views. Experiment with graphic style and representation.  
  • Practice clear and thoughtful annotation. 




  • Provide a series of drawing investigations at a scale of your choice 
  • Annotated field notes documenting your experience 
  • Completed multi-sensory matrix 

 Ensure the scale of your drawing is clear. Include a scale bar and north arrow when appropriate. The deliverables can be drawn analog, digitally or as a combination of both.  


Please submit your work to the blog by Tuesday, September 26th at 11:59 pm.  


* In general, the number of deliverables is flexible for this course. We encourage students to make their own decision about what drawings are needed; the deliverables are a suggestion.  For example, students may wish to alter the scale or add additional drawings to explain their observations. 




Moore, C. W., Mitchell, W. J., & Turnbull, W., Jr. (1988). The poetics of gardens. MIT Press. Available on Canvas. 

Roehr, D. & Bailey, S. (2020).  Gardens are… Buildings: A Garden’s Role in Unprecedented Times. 27. 24-34. Retrieved from’s_Role_in_Unprecedented_Times  

Roehr, D. & Wei, F. & Bailey, Sean. (2021). “Sensewalk Mapping” as a Method for Teaching Multi-sensorial Landscape Perception. Landscape Architecture. 28. 96-106. Retrieved from  



Check out these visualization tools: 

DES430 2022 Student Examples: 

Liana Zheng: 

Cole Quist: 

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