Adam Larsen – Assignment 3: Supernatural

 First Site: Nitobe Garden

For my site visit to Nitobe Garden, I sat at four different spots for five minutes each, recording what I heard around me and the general smell.

This final map shows sound discs rotated to the north axis. Note how majority of the blue human sounds are directed toward the highway, and red animal sounds are directed to a large cluster of trees.

Second Site: Jericho Beach

At Jericho Beach I walked toward the water, taking frequent stops to record what I heard and smelled.

This final map shows all of the sound discs aligned to the north and positioned at their corresponding stop points. You can see all of the animal sounds (red) directed toward a general area, revealing the rough location of frogs. You can also map all of the natural sounds (yellow) beginning and ending as I moved through the wooded area.

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