Assignment 1 – Nishi Praveen Kumar


A conceptual mental map of my residence, this visual representation captures the essence of the house without adhering strictly to its precise dimensions. Within this map, the fusion of elements such as movement, aromas, sounds, and the unique utilization of each space converges harmoniously, offering a sensory journey through its interior.

Street Tapestry

This map artfully illustrates the intricate interplay between my residence and its surroundings, primarily the street it’s nestled on. It transcends traditional cartography by seamlessly weaving sensory dimensions into its depiction—capturing not just the visual landscape but also the auditory and olfactory experiences that harmonize within this environment.

Moreover, this dynamic portrayal incorporates the fluidity of movement, with pedestrian and vehicular rhythms elegantly superimposed onto the canvas. Gone are the rigid confines of property lines, as this map transcends conventional boundaries to emphasize the interconnectedness of the entire community. Indeed, it is a map that fosters a profound sense of belonging and shared space—a true testament to its community-centric approach.

Neighborhood Tapestry

This map unveils the structured urban programming that characterizes the area. Sensory experiences are meticulously superimposed onto the space, yet they seamlessly meld into the environment, making it challenging to isolate any specific sensation at a given moment within a particular locale. As an emblem of interconnectedness, property lines dissolve in this urban landscape, underscoring the city’s role as a cohesive community system.

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