Assignment 3 – Cynthia San

Cooling + Shade

Nitobe Garden

The water features are central to the site and situated between the green landscapes. These conditions of the large tree canopies and pools of water creates a very cool and crisp environment on humid days for humans and animals.

Spanish Banks

In contrast, the body of water is separated from the green landscape by the beach. The majority of trees on this site are situated along the road and at a higher elevation, casting constant shadows throughout the day onto the road below. While the beach itself gets quite hot, there is a constant breeze as I near the water.


Assignment 2 – Cynthia San

Throughout the site, the varying qualities of the built topography and its materiality strongly suggests direct movement of rainwater towards drains.

The ground slightly dips and rises depending on its adjacencies to built forms and infrastructure. I observed how the narrow indented spaces between tile pieces created little streams as water accumulated, while the tiles themselves created stiller puddles. This relationship of the “in-between” and the built form can be seen at a multitude of scales and starts to question the holistic system of urban design.

1:200 on 36″ x 36″ artboards

Assignment 1: Cynthia San

Noise and natural buffers along South East Marine Drive, Vancouver during rush hour.

Living along Marine Drive for the past 20 years, I have been use to the constant sounds emitted by vehicles in particular and wanted to map this feeling spatially. Noise is not always liner or physical, but is constantly spread over space in relation to buffers; buildings, hedges. distances etc. The overlapping of different sounds through trace paper resembles how sounds throughout this neighborhood often overlap and become chaotic and how different programs and zones dictate noise intensities and frequency throughout South East Vancouver.

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