Tag: Student Posts

  • Writing Reflections from EDST 602A: Ria Misra & Kentaro Hasa

    Writing Reflections from EDST 602A: Ria Misra & Kentaro Hasa

    This the first post in our new series, “Writing Reflections from EDST 602A.” This series features peer interviews from a doctoral course taught by Professor Jude Walker. In Fall 2024, classmates interviewed one another about their experiences, goals, and thoughts on writing. Their reflections explore EDST students’ journeys toward writing, their identities as writers, their…

  • Not Free Inside, Not Free Outside: School Expulsion And The Problem Of Freedom

    Not Free Inside, Not Free Outside: School Expulsion And The Problem Of Freedom

    In this blog post: Yotam Ronen recaps Addyson Frattura’s EDST doctoral colloquium on the link between school expulsion and freedom. Frattura’s work explores how expulsion disproportionately impacts marginalized students, and argues for a vision of freedom rooted in love and liberation, challenging punitive educational systems. What happens to a student when they are expelled from…

  • Winner of 2024 Research Day Blog Publication Award: Mahfida Tahniat!

    Winner of 2024 Research Day Blog Publication Award: Mahfida Tahniat!

    The Research Day Blog Publication Award Winner...

    We are happy to announce the winner of the 2024 Research Day Blog Publication Award… Mahfida Tahniat! Mahfida is a PhD student in EDST— her Research Day Post below discusses “floating schools” in Bangladesh, highlighting their role in providing education to communities impacted by climate change. Mahfida currently has an interactive photo and video exhibit,…

  • Exploring Histories Confronting White Supremacy: Aneet Kahlon, Erin Villaronga Mulligan, and Mark McLean

    Exploring Histories Confronting White Supremacy: Aneet Kahlon, Erin Villaronga Mulligan, and Mark McLean

    Posts from EDST 507D, Banner

    This is the first post in a new series from the course “Topics in the History of Education: Histories Confronting White Supremacy,” led by Professor Mona Gleason. This course delves into colonialization, racism, and systemic oppression, exploring how historical understanding shapes our world today. In this series, students collaborated to craft blog posts where they…

  • Navigating Education and Community: An interview with Silas Krabbe

    Navigating Education and Community: An interview with Silas Krabbe

    Banner that reads: "EDST Student Representatives Interview Series"

    This post is the first in a series of interviews with EDST student representatives. Silas Krabbe (he/him/his) is a PhD student in UBC’S Educational Studies department. Silas was born and raised in Calgary, AB, but moved to Fraser Valley in 2007 for college. In 2013 he moved to Vancouver to begin his graduate studies, and…

  • EDST Blog: Call for Papers (and Introduction to Editorial Board)

    EDST Blog: Call for Papers (and Introduction to Editorial Board)

    The EDST blog editorial board is pleased to invite EDST students, staff, and faculty to submit contributions to the EDST blog.   Department head André Mazawi described EDST as our “common home,” “in the sense of a space we all share in the pursuit of our work, studies, and contributions.” The EDST blog serves as…

  • Reflections on UBC’s Masters of Education, Adult Learning & Education

    Reflections on UBC’s Masters of Education, Adult Learning & Education

    Samantha Robinson As I approach graduation from the Masters of Education, Adult Learning & Education program at the University of British Columbia (UBC), I find myself in a moment of pause as I intentionally take time for reflection. What have I learned over the last two years in this program? What made sense and was…

  • The Courage to Step into Comic Vulnerability

    The Courage to Step into Comic Vulnerability

    Gabriella Maestrini Stepping into any kind of comic relationship as teacher, researcher or artist is an act of vulnerability, death and courage. Vulnerability in letting oneself be open to the comic teachings and possibilities which come with a piece of death of oneself to meet an ‘other’ and an act of courage to speak up…

  • A ‘Hidden’ Crisis: The Cost of Power

    A ‘Hidden’ Crisis: The Cost of Power

    Jed Anderson “Technique has penetrated the deepest recesses of the human being. The machine tends not only to create a new human environment, but also to modify man’s very essence.” -Jacques Ellul[1] The Technological Society On a starless night in August, I drove with a clergyman friend through a lightning storm into what seemed like…

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