This message was sent via Connect on January 3, 2017. The password has been removed from this message but can be found in the Connect version.
Hello students of “Education, Knowledge and Curriculum” (EDST 403/Section 105),
I hope you all had a restful break! I look forward to meeting you and to learning together throughout the course.
I am writing to ask you to read the text below as soon as possible and take action on the items below before the first class on January 9 at 1 pm:
(1) Please join the course WordPress site. Details can be found here on course WordPress site (or url: To join the EDST 403 course WordPress site, you will need this password: _______. [Estimated time needed: 10 minutes]
(2) Read: Revisiting the Roots of Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Berry, Loughran and van Driel (in Connect). Though you are welcome to read the entire article, you are only required to read the portion of the text that is in smaller font (starts on page 1273 and ends at top of page 1277). [Estimated time needed: 20 minutes]
(3) Bring the following to the first day of class:
- The syllabus (downloaded or printed, as you wish). The syllabus can be found here:
- Coloured markers or pencil crayons for a concept mapping activity.
- Laptop or other electronic device on which you can access the course website (
Please note that all announcements are in the Announcements section of the course site:
Thank you,
Isabeau Iqbal, PhD
Instructor, EDST 403 (Education, Knowledge and Curriculum)
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Education
Course site:
twitter: @isabeauiqbal
phone: 604-827-0648