Assignment 1:3 Definitions of Pit and Fissure Sealant

Pit and Fissure Sealants Definitions

Parenthetical definition

Pit and fissure sealants are clear or tooth-coloured coating applied on a chewing surfaces of the teeth.

Sentence definition

Pit and fissure sealants are plastic coating applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth, to protect the teeth from getting cavities. It is safe and painfree method, which acts as a barrier avoiding food and bacterial plaque to cause cavities in deep groves.

Expanded definition

The impact on Oral Health

Pit and fissures are normal process of teeth development which are often deeper and more prone to getting cavities than smooth surfaces of the teeth. Regular home care with proper brushing and flossing helps remove plaque from smooth surfaces, but toothbrush bristles don’t always reach the bottom of the deep grooves to remove any food or bacteria. Pits and fissures cavities account for 80% to 90% of the total cavities. Sealants help protect these teeth by sealing them.

Candidate for sealants

Sealants are recommended earlier in life as children and teenagers are at higher risk of getting pit and fissure cavities, but adults can also get them. Even primary molars (baby teeth) at high risk of cavities can get pit and fissure sealants. Newly erupted molars and premolars with sticky grooves and fissures can benefits from sealants.  Any teeth that has stained pits and fissures, but no evidence of cavities and all individuals who are at high risk of cavities can benefit from sealants.


Doing a pit and fissure sealant is usually quick, safe and pain free procedures. There is no freezing or drilling required. When applied properly, it will effectively protect the teeth from getting a cavity. Sealants can be repaired or replaced anytime. Cost of sealant is much less compared to having cavity filled.

Treatment and care

Your dentist or dental hygienists will determine the need for pit and fissure sealants during your dental visit. They will assess for any deep pits and fissures high at risk for caries. Other risk factors include personal habits, general health status, medication, lack of fluoride in drinking water, previous history of tooth decay and dry mouth.


Before and After of pit and fissure sealants


  1. The Pit & Fissure Sealant Procedure. (2019). Retrieved 24 September 2019, from
  2. Pit and fissure sealants. (2019). Retrieved 24 September 2019, from
  3. Sreedevi, A., & Mohamed, S. (2019). Sealants, Pit and Fissure. Retrieved 25 September 2019, from
One comment on “Assignment 1:3 Definitions of Pit and Fissure Sealant
  1. YuryZhuk says:

    Hi Priyanka, I have written a peer review of this definition, please take a look! It can be found at this link:
    Please let me know if it makes sense and if you have any questions.

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