Peer Review of ‘Formal Report Proposal – Enhancing Participation of Educators in the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair’

To : Janice Pang, English 301 Student

From : Emily Jasmine, English 301 Student

Date : October 6, 2019

Subject : Review of Research Proposal for a Formal Report Assignment

I have reviewed your assignment and understood your main purpose in creating this proposal. Based on my understanding, I have the following reviews for you:

Organization: The proposal is well written and easily understood, however I would recommend explaining who the target audience for the report is and why they would be the target audience. This is essential because if the target audience is focused then the report could be centered on that audience, making it easier to appeal to their interest and structure it in a way that caters to the target audience. This could help structure the report efficiently and increase its overall effectiveness.

Methodology: The methodology you proposed is clear and well backed through your well established connections with GVRSF committees and participants, however I would recommend you to consider whether or not your proposed method is actually the most effective. I noticed you proposed 3 main methods namely; newsletter surveys, roundtable discussions, and interviews. I would suggest you to consider which of these 3 methods is most effective and consider eliminating the rest (e.g. consider the rate of people answering newsletters, do people actually answer them?) as this could reduce inefficiency of data gathering in the report.

Purpose: The purpose of the proposal is well defined and clear, it is also consistently referenced throughout the proposal. However, I would make a suggestion for you to consider that the main purpose may not be what you stated it to be in the proposal. In the introduction of this proposal you mentioned plenty of benefits for students from grade 7-12 to attend the science fair, from being able to get the chance to win awards, to getting exposed to plenty of innovative and informative projects. In a sense I was under the impression was the purpose of the report was to increase the overall participation of students to the science fair as they are the ones who gets the most benefit. However in the introduction you mentioned that educators are the main reason students will participate in the science fair and centered your proposal on that single (although notably educated) assumption. I would suggest you to consider centering your proposal on the students’ participation instead of educators’ participation and thus not limiting yourself to one factor that may lead to the students’ participation in the science fair. 


I hope this review will help you in editing your report proposal. Please let me know if there are questions you would like to ask me about this Peer Review. Thank you.

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