Memo to Dr. Patterson: Research Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Precilla Huang

Date: Oct 11, 2019

Subject: Affordability and accessibility for UBC community


The intended audience is for 72k student and 16k staff & faculty that comprised of essential UBC community. This study will look at the cost for campus living compared to off campus living in terms of affordability and accessibility

Statement of Problem

Vancouver already has become one of the least affordable city in many global comparison studies. There are many studies that has shown for Vancouver to become affordable, the housing price must drop drastically by 2030. This report will look at the affordability and accessibility for UBC communities on aspects regarding housing/transit option and cost for members of the UBC community.

Proposed Solution

One possible solution proposed is UBC affordable housing plan which means more rental housing, more restricted rental housing, rent-geared to income, increase ranges of unit sizes and preferential access to market leasehold units. Other solution would be looking at cost reducing for living expenses through subsidies.


To analyze the affordability and accessibility for UBC community, the areas to be explored will be the following:

  1. What is the current cost borne between different members of the UBC community?
  2. What would be the current demand and supply for housing on campus?
  3. What recommendation in UBC affordable housing plan that will geared towards the missing middle?


Data source will be from UBC Housing action plan approved by the Board of Governors back in Sept 2012 with consolidated amendments current to April 2018. This will be the base source to look at to see the recommendations and roll out of the programs to see if it is relevant to needs on campus via interviews.


This is an ongoing issue that has been faced by majority of the UBC community with exception of the given few that has resources. In order to build a strong and thriving community, this issue needs constant review to make sure improvements are in place or planned to relieve market stress and allow more accessibility.

3 comments on “Memo to Dr. Patterson: Research Proposal
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Precilla,

    Thank you for your proposal. Please see my comments below, and please do review the textbook and lesson guidelines re” your reader(s) must have the authority to act on your recommendations. A Formal Report of this nature is not intended for a general population, but rather for administrators and people in positions of authority.

    You need to review the textbook re: Primary sources: interviews, surveys and/or observations are necessary.

    The Proposal has so many errors in expression, please be sure to proof-read your work closely before posting.

    Please do consider my concerns and re-think this proposal, thank you.

  2. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Pricilla,

    The emails I send you are being sent back as undeliverable. Please send me an email at – thank you.

  3. erikapaterson says:

    Sorry for the typo:

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