ENG 301- Formal Report-Peer Review
To: Usman Zahoor
From: Brenda Martinez
Date: October 15, 2019
Subject: Formal report peer-review of ‘Best Buy Mobile to digitalize their price tags’
Post Link: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2019wa/2019/10/11/research-proposal-for-formal-report/
Hi Usman!
I have read your recent post for your formal report proposal about the digitalization of price tags at Best Buy Mobile. This is a peer-review of my overall impression while reading your proposal, and some suggestions that I hope could give you insight on ways to tweak your report.
Overall Impression: I think that you have a great topic of choice for your research, the manner in which you are planning to carry-out the research sounds beneficial, and the intended audience is on point, in order to relay the data of your findings from this project. The structure of your proposal included a lot of details on how you plan to collect the data, and it is a good baseline to start your report.
Organization: The introduction to your topic grasps the readers’ attention, and it is very intriguing to find out more details regarding the current price tagging system. And from your description, I can imagine the business and high customer traffic/sales production from this Best Buy location. The proposal was organized with all of the right components, an introduction, body, and conclusion. The statement of the problem was supported by data, this gives an overview of the amount of paper that is used at the this store on a daily basis.
Proposed Solution: Your proposed solution gives a descriptive manner in which to improve the problem noted. I like that you also compared and contrasted another major Canadian corporation, Superstore, which has already implemented alternatives to the problem; in similar ways to the solutions you are proposing.
Scope: The questions to research the overall scope are good points. Starting from the baseline of what you have noticed at the location that you work in, and working from there to get all the facts.
Intended Audience: You were clear on your intended reader, and whom you will be presenting your report to at the end of your research.
Methods: You stated the manner in which you plan to collect the facts, and I like that you are keeping in mind their concerns regarding the overhaul.
Qualifications: Your working experience at Best Buy will be very helpful in your research, as well as your Science background.
Comments: The topic you have chosen to research for this project is something that I think would be valuable to the Best Buy company as a whole. I was amazed to find out that Best Buy hasn’t already implemented a greener approach to the way that it carries out these daily operations, especially the price tags which are a constant overturn due to the sale price offers. Overall good structure to your proposal and, I look forward to reading your revised work. Following are a few suggestions.
- Would be good if you could present part of the problem in the introduction, i.e. the responsibility to go Maybe offer a general statement about major companies making changes to offer an environmentally friendly approach to daily business strategies. Comparing and contrasting with Superstore would be good in this section. Also, are there any current recycling programs already in place? Do you use a paper shredder for customer confidentiality?
- In the methods section, it would be great if you could clarify if you are creating a survey or a questionnaire to collect your data, going along with your interviews. It would be good to give more of a breakdown of the number of employees, daily average paper printed per employee.
- It would be good if you created more subheadings to help guide your work, i.e. Introduction, Conclusion
- I know that sometimes spell check gets the best of us! But just having a read through your report to catch minor grammar and spelling mistakes would be good. I caught a couple, there’s a double “and and” in the last sentence of the proposed plan section. In the methods section, this should be corrected to affect instead of effect “to discover how digital price tags would effect each individual and their concerns for such an overhaul”.
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