To: Team Typephoon
From: Brenda Martinez
Date: October 21, 2019
Subject: Best Practices for LinkedIn Networking
Hello Team Typephoon!
Here are some helpful tips on creating, or improving a LinkedIn profile:
1. Begin by choosing a great recent photo of yourself, with a neutral background, and professional
2. A warm and welcoming profile summary
3. Showcase your skill-sets and academic achievements
4. Add industry keywords that employers are looking for
5. Highlight past awards received for academic achievement, volunteer work, or sports
6. Be creative when describing yourself, avoid overused “buzzwords”
7. Treat your profile like your resume
8. Be personable, “you want people to want to get to know you”
9. Update your status often, especially work related experience
10. Connect with other professionals in your field of work
I hope that these suggestions are useful when updating or creating your LinkedIn profiles. As someone who is new to LinkedIn, I am sure that these helpful tips will be useful when setting up my profile. I look forward to connecting with all of you soon!
9 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2019 – Ragan Communications -
10 LinkedIn Profile Summaries That We Love (And How to Boost Your Own) -
The Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers -
A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
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