‘Hot Lunch’ at St. John’s College is a monthly event where colleagues across the Vancouver campus can come together to share a meal and hear from one of our campus leaders.

Last month, Kate Ross was the featured guest at Hot Lunch. If you didn’t get a chance to attend that event, you might want to attend the next Hot Lunch featuring UBC Comptroller, Ian Burgess.

Guest speaker: Ian Burgess

Mr. Ian Burgess, Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, University of British Columbia
Mr. Ian Burgess, Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller, University of British Columbia

His signature is on your cheque!  Well, that is if you have actually received a physical cheque which you may not have due to the efficiency of the Paper-Cheque Reduction Project and the implementation of the electronic funds transfer (EFT) system. Are there any more epic and awesome sounding projects in the works like the previous Project Titan and Project Atlas?  Find out, learn the latest happenings in the finance and budgeting world, and of course enjoy a great lunch and conversation.


11:30 to 12:00 pm – buffet is open, enjoy lunch!
12:05 pm – speaker program, table conversation, and Q & A if time permits
 Menu:  Tex-Mex Buffet
* the buffet will be open from 11:30 am until 12:45 pm to accommodate various lunch schedules

Please visit http://stjohns.ubc.ca/hot-lunch for more information.

Hot Lunch is a cross-campus staff networking initiative hosted by St. John’s College and co-sponsored by UBC Human Resources.

Tickets can be purchased in advance for $10

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